Initial support for creating a docker image containing the swingbench load generation utility for the Oracle Database . The image is located here
Currently on creating the image and running it interactively it places you in the swingbench bin directory. Alternatively you can run any of the swingbench utilites directly i.e.
docker run --name swingbench --link oracle:server --rm -i -t swingbench oewizard -cs //oracle:1521/ORCLPDB1 -cl -create -scale 0.1 -v -df /opt/oracle/oradata/ORCLCDB/ORCLPDB1/soe.dbf
Obviously only the command line variants of the tools work i.e.
./charbench -u soe -p soe -cs //server/db -c ../configs/SOE_Server_Side_V2.xml -mr
oewizard -cs //ora18server/soe -cl -create -scale 0.1 -v