Azure plugin for Certbot client
Use the certbot client to generate and install certificates in Azure.
Currently it supports authentication with Azure DNS and installation to Azure App Gateway.
Before starting you need:
- An Azure account and the Azure CLI installed.
- Certbot installed locally.
The easiest way to install both the certbot client and the certbot-azure plugin is:
pip install certbot-azure
If you are in Mac OS you will need a local set up for Python and we recommend a virtual environment.
You might also need to install dialog
: brew install dialog
If you are in Ubuntu you will need to install pip
and other libraries:
apt-get install python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev dialog
And then run pip install certbot-azure
To generate a certificate and install it in an Azure App Gateway first generate your credentials:
az ad sp create-for-rbac \
--name Certbot --sdk-auth \
--role "DNS Zone Contributor" \
--scope /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP_ID \
> mycredentials.json
Then generate the certificate:
certbot certonly -d REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_DOMAIN \
-a dns-azure --dns-azure-credentials mycredentials.json \
--dns-azure-resource-group <REPLACE_WITH_RESOURCE_GROUP>
Follow the screen prompts and you should end up with the certificate in your distribution. It may take a couple minutes to update.
To generate a certificate and install it in an Azure App Gateway first generate your credentials:
az ad sp create-for-rbac \
--name Certbot --sdk-auth \
--scope /subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>/resourceGroups/<RESOURCE_GROUP_ID \
> mycredentials.json
Then generate and install the certificate (this example uses Azure DNS for authentication):
-a dns-azure --dns-azure-credentials mycredentials.json \
--dns-azure-resource-group <REPLACE_WITH_RESOURCE_GROUP> \
-i azure_agw --certbot-azure-ag:installer-credentials mycredentials.json \
--azure-agw-resource-group <REPLACE_WITH_RESOURCE_GROUP> \
--azure-agw-app-gateway-name <REPLACE_WITH_APP_GATEWAY_NAME>
Follow the screen prompts and you should end up with the certificate in your distribution. It may take a couple minutes to update.
To automate the renewal process without prompts (for example, with a monthly cron), you can add the certbot parameters --renew-by-default --text