I pick from these tasks depending on priority and what I feel like completing.
- code quality
- clean up CSS
- document and extract high-complexity code
- loading animations
- contact form
- comprehensive API support
- all endpoints functional
- ratelimiting with Redis
- security
- strip Stripe order data on server
- expiring session tokens on backend
- features
- error hook that saves logs
- user roles
- admin -> manage restaurants and users from panel
- restaurant staff -> manage own restaurant and orders from panel
- automatic deployments with CloudFormation
- live orders page with AWS API Gateway WebSockets
- fixed "copy profile link" button hitbox
- completed SvelteKit Actions integrations
- improved login page layout
- robust error page
- checkout success page
- catch invalid images
- updated README.md
- updated schema
- added SECURITY.md
- implemented unlinking
- enabled edge functions
- reset state token after login
- large improvements to authentication
- allow for spaces in restaurant names
- stateToken should always exist
- human readable receipts
- more professional UI
- improved dark mode
- moved some constant strings to variables
- switch from
to SvelteKits cookie API
- allow users to completely manage API keys and their scopes
- revoking other logins and deleting account
- username field
- own url for every profile
- separate database objects and client objects
- account edit cancel button
- Sass includePaths
- titles for each page
- account operations to show alert on fail, fading dialog on success
- counter styles
- authentication (login and linking)
- restaurant button hitbox
- input validation for profile editing
- GitHub authentication
- email authentication
- show linked identifications on account page
- remove google verify as request already comes from google
- cover edge cases
- can't link auth method thats already linked to another account
- can't implicitly create account with taken email
- can't link auth method thats already linked to another account
stripe webhook
- create order and add to database
- send receipt to email
- order tracking page
- anonymous orders
- save account payment details
- extracted stripe endpoint secret to environment variable
- hash sessionTokens
- additional cookie security (SameSite, Secure, HttpOnly)
- make sure all sensitive endpoints POST if possible
- SOP and SvelteKit prevent CSRF
- prevent login CSRF with double-submit cookie and state
- prevent XSS by not using @html
- allow changing profile info and authentication methods, and delete account
- profile bio and picture
- rotate image according to EXIF data
- load user data in root layout
- show profile pic in header
API and docs with tsoa
use new SvelteKit actions API
use new cookies API
custom dynamodb wrapper library
add css import loadpath
Dependabot with pnpm lockfile updater
describe database schema in SCHEMA.md
- types for serviceworker
- signing out removes sessionID on database
- changelog
- readme
- license
- cleanup code and remove warnings from checks and linter
- darkmode to activate before first render
- Stripe loading to be more consistent
- Stripe checkout redirect URL
- images from Flickr api (slow)
- restaurant slug field (slug is now just name)
- todos from SvelteKit template
- DynamoDBClient to DynamoDBDocumentClient
- removed dependency on util-dynamodb
- JavaScript code to TypeScript
- set "strict" configuration back to true
- account page
- authentication with google
- "Remember me"-button
- types for database objects
- page for changing restaurant entries
- mobile responsiveness
- miscellaneous animations
- payment screen not changing with dark mode
- button to payment element with changeable amount
- buying items from menu page
- Stripe checkout
- show images from Flickr
- error page
- polished user interface
- clean css files
- node-sass to sass
- database from PostgreSQL to DynamoDB
- Stripe libraries
- payment button with Stripe checkout
- cleaned unused code
- added formatting configuration for IDE and Prettier
- pages with endpoints from being prerendered
- prefetch to links
- PostgreSQL connection timeout
- .gitignore
- PostgreSQL connection
- restaurant and menu pages
- TailwindCSS