Software Specification and Design : Final Project
Project name : PunKarnBan (Tapping game)
Google PlayStore link : -
Git repository link :
#1) Project Explanation
The concept of this game is student doing homework in various subject (Mathematics,Biology,
Chemistry, Physics and English).The main purpose is to tap the screen to help student
finish homework by increase progress of ProgressBar until full and then the game will
switch to another subject and so on.
Abbreviation : WPT stand for “Word per tap” (amount that increase on progress bar once tap)
1.1) Main features :
1.1.1) Tap the screen to increase progress of each homework task.
1.1.2) When finish each task you will gain knowledge for upgrade any material in game.
1.1.3) Hire several recruits for help in auto-clicking.
1.1.4) Upgrade skill (passive skill) of each subject to increase amount of WPT.
The effect of each subject will apply when the student do that subject task.
1.1.5) Upgrade stationery (like a weapon in RPG) to increase WPT.
1.2) Additional features :
1.2.1) Every 10 level of tasks student must to do a project that have higher amount of progress
than normal homework tasks. Besides, student gain more knowledge than normal homework
but student have 60 seconds to finish project task. If student can’t finish project
task in time the game will turn back the level by 9.
1.2.2) Infinite level of tasks (difficulty increase in exponential rate).
#2) Design Pattern
The design pattern that use in this project are Singleton, Factory, Strategy, State, Observer
and Memento pattern.
2.1) Singleton pattern
Class that related to this pattern :
1) Models/Game/
2) Models/Utility/
3) Models/Utility/
Objective :
1) will create only one time because is mediator between
others model class and GUI (
2) and is mathematics base class
so our group decide to make it to singleton pattern to decrease redundancy for
create new object class because every upgrade price depend on equation and have
to calculate by these classes every time when it have changed.
2.2) Factory pattern
Class that related to this pattern :
1) Models/Work/
2) Models/Work/
3) Models/Work/
Objective :
1) To make every homework and project task that create by game make it create
through factory class not directly create new Homework or Project object.
2.3) Strategy pattern
Class that related to this pattern :
1) Models/Skill/
Composite class (in package Models/Skill) :
1) 2) 3) 4)
5) 6) (super class)
Objective :
1) According to project explanation , there are several subjects if you
upgrade passive skill these will apply depend on task subject. We use
Strategy pattern to switch WPT calculation of passive skill.
2.4) State Pattern
Class that related to this pattern :
1) Models/State/
2) Models/State/
3) Models/State/ (interface)
Objective :
1) To switch image action when tap and un-tap (image will also change when stationery
have changed)
2.5) Observer pattern
Class that related to this pattern :
1) Models/Game/ (Observer)
2) Activities/ (Observable)
Objective :
1) Any changes in game class will inform to UI
2.6) Memento pattern
Class that related to this pattern :
1) Memento/
Association class :
1) Models/Game/
2) Models/Player/
Objective :
1) To make game save its state to external memory, the game will not reset when you
re-open it again.
#3) Design Principles
3.1) GRASP Principle :
3.1.1) Creator :
- Game create Player and Work Factory
- Player create Stationery
- Player create Skill Manager
- Skill Manager create Skill
3.1.2) Information Expert :
- Work Factory have data to create Work
3.1.3) Low Coupling
- If we want to have new recruit you can add it directly without affect to exist
- You can add new Passive Skill directly without affect to exist skill.
3.1.4) High Cohesion
- Stationery , Work Factory and every class in utility package
3.1.5) Controller
- Game control everything that happen in game.
3.1.6) Polymorphism
- Work , Work Factory , Skill , Recruit , TapState , Memento all are abstract class or
3.1.7) Pure Fabrication
- Skill Manager are reusable class.
3.1.8) Indirection
- All Observer pattern that apply in this project (UI and Game).
3.1.9) Protect Variation
- UI will have interact with Game only.