Navigation: DEDIS :: Cothority :: Building Blocks
Building blocks are grouped in terms of research units and don't have a special representation in code. Also, the General Crypto library is more of a collection of different protocols.
Whenever you have a distributed system the question of consensus arises: how do you make sure that a majority of nodes see the same state? At DEDIS we're using collective signatures as a base to build a PBFT-like consensus protocol. Based on that we implemented a skipchain that can store arbitrary data in blocks and use a verification function to make sure all nodes agree on every block.
- Collective Signing is the current signing algorithm we are using (deprecates cosi and ftcosi).
- ByzCoinX is the an improved implementation of the consensus protocol in the OmniLedger paper.
- Collective Signing is the basic signing algorithm we've been using - replaced by:
- Fault Tolerant Collective Signing a fault tolerant version of the CoSi protocol with only a 3-level tree
- Byzantine Fault Tolerant CoSi is an implementation inspired by PBFT using two rounds of CoSi
Another useful tool for distributed system is key sharing, or key sharding. Instead of having one key that can be compromised easily, we create an aggregate key where a threshold number of nodes need to participate to decrypt or sign. Our blocks can do a publicly verifiable distributed key generation as well as use that sharded key to decrypt or reencrypt data to a new key without ever having the data available.
- Distributed Key Generation uses the protocol presented by Rabin to create a distributed key
- Distributed Decryption takes an ElGamal encrypted ciphertext and decrypts it using nodes
- Re-encryption re-encrypts an ElGamal encryption to a new key while never revealing the original data
Finally some building blocks useful in most of the services.