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Daniel Oberbillig edited this page Dec 1, 2020 · 137 revisions


JavaScript Library for Multi-Dimensional Charting

dc.js is a multi-dimensional charting library built to work natively with crossfilter and rendered using d3.js.

Please direct questions and support requests to Stack Overflow or the user group. When posting to Stack Overflow, use the [dc.js] and/or [crossfilter] tags - other tags are likely to draw unwanted attention.

Get help faster with a working example! Fork these to get started:
blank jsFiddle - example jsFiddle - blank bl.ock - example bl.ock


dc.js depends on the following javascript libraries to function properly.

Where to get dc.js


Version 4.* is compatible with d3 versions 4 and 5. It is not compatible with IE. Use dc.js 3.* if you need IE support, or use dc.js 2.* if you need compatibility with d3 version 3.

CDN location

or copy the latest links from CDNJS

Community Examples

Books and Tutorials

Optimizing & Performance Tuning

  • Read about tips on how to increase number of records, decrease latency and general optimization tricks.