These instructions assume you're starting from a clean install of Raspbian, and that your Raspberry Pi is connected to an external monitor. Once you are set up, an external monitor will no longer be necessary.
- Clone GoNoteGo
mkdir -p /home/pi/code/github/dbieber
cd /home/pi/code/github/dbieber
git clone
- Set up settings
cd /home/pi/code/github/dbieber/GoNoteGo
cp gonotego/settings/ gonotego/settings/
nano gonotego/settings/ # Configure your settings here.
It's OK to leave settings that you're not using at their default values.
- Put Google service key on device
mkdir /home/pi/secrets
# Run on Raspberry Pi.scp path/to/google_credentials.json [email protected]:/home/pi/secrets/
# Run on primary.
Run hostname -I
on the Raspberry Pi to determine the IP address to use in the scp command.
- Install dependencies
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install firefox-esr xvfb portaudio19-dev libatlas-base-dev redis-server espeak rustc python3-dev
cd /home/pi/code/github/dbieber/GoNoteGo
mkdir out
pip3 install virtualenv
/home/pi/.local/bin/virtualenv env -p python3
./env/bin/pip install grpcio -U --no-binary=grpcio
./env/bin/pip install -e .
- Start on boot
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add this line to rc.local:
/home/pi/code/github/dbieber/GoNoteGo/env/bin/supervisord -c /home/pi/code/github/dbieber/GoNoteGo/gonotego/supervisord.conf
- Install geckodriver to /usr/local/bin
tar -xvf geckodriver-v0.23.0-arm7hf.tar.gz
rm geckodriver-v0.23.0-arm7hf.tar.gz
sudo mv geckodriver /usr/local/bin
- Set up Internet
- Run
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
- Follow the guide at to set up your wpa_supplicant.conf file.
Setting up internet through the operating system's UI may also work.
- Set up your audio
- Make sure audio is coming out of the desired output device at an acceptable volume.
- Verify everything's working!
- Type a text note and press enter; it should appear in your notes.
- Press your hotkey and speak an audio note; it too should appear in your notes.
- Type ":ok" and press enter; you should hear the machine say "ok".
- If you're having any trouble getting set up, open a new GitHub issue.
- That's it; you're good to go! Happy note-taking!