A simple git interface for NodeJS. It is not intended to replace projects such as nodegit but rather to provide a light weight solution close to the git command line for simple use cases.
Just run
$ npm install git-cli
The usage is pretty straightforward, here is a sample code.
Repository = require('git-cli').Repository
fs = require 'fs'
Repository.clone 'https://github.com/danhper/node-git-cli.git', 'git-cli', (err, repo) ->
repo.log (err, logs) ->
console.log logs[0].subject
repo.showRemote 'origin', (err, remote) ->
console.log remote.fetchUrl
fs.writeFileSync "#{repo.workingDir()}/newFile", 'foobar'
repo.status (err, status) ->
console.log status[0].path
console.log status[0].tracked
repo.add (err) ->
repo.status (err, status) ->
console.log status[0].path
console.log status[0].tracked
repo.commit 'added newFile', (err) ->
repo.log (err, logs) ->
console.log logs[0].subject
repo.push (err) ->
console.log 'pushed to remote'
From version 0.10, all functions still take a callback, but also return promises, so you can rewrite the above as follow:
const Repository = require('git-cli').Repository
const fs = require('fs')
Repository.clone('https://github.com/danhper/node-git-cli.git', 'git-cli')
.then(repo => {
return repo.log()
.then(logs => {
return repo.showRemote('origin')
}).then(remote => {
fs.writeFileSync("#{repo.workingDir()}/newFile", 'foobar')
return repo.status()
}).then(status => {
return repo.add()
}).then(() => repo.status())
.then(status => {
console.log status[0].path
console.log status[0].tracked
return repo.commit('added newFile')
}).then(() => repo.log())
.then(logs => {
return repo.push()
}).then(() => console.log('pushed' to remote))
}).catch(e => console.log(e))
Checkout out the tests for more examples.