If you don't have Git installed on your system, follow these instructions.
Fork the main repository.
Clone your fork (replace <username>
with your GitHub account name) and
change directory:
git clone [email protected]:<username>/RNAnorm.git cd RNAnorm
Install the project for development:
pip install -e '.[docs,package,test]'
We recommend using venv to create an isolated Python environment.
Project package dependencies should be defined in pyproject.toml
Recommended is specifying a minimal version with some ability to update, i.e.
using a tilde requirement (e.g., pandas~=1.4.2
Run unit tests and linters:
pytest --verbose --cov=rnanorm black --check src tests flake8 src tests pydocstyle src isort --check-only --diff src tests
To run the tests with Tox, use:
tox -r
sphinx-build docs build/sphinx
Describe the new features in changelog.rst
. Replace the Unreleased heading
with the new version, followed by the release date (e.g.,
13.2.0 - 2018-10-23
Add the new dependencies to pyproject.toml
and update the package version.
Use semantic versioning.
Commit changes to Git:
git commit -a -m "Prepare release <new-version>"
Push changes to your fork and open a pull request:
git push --set-upstream <RNAnorm-fork-name> release-<new-version>
Wait for tests to pass and pull request to be approved. Merge code to main:
git checkout main git merge --ff-only release-<new-version> git push <RNAnorm-upstream-name> main <new-version>
Tag the new release from the latest commit:
git checkout main git tag -sm "Version <new-version>" <new-version>
Push the tag to the upstream repository:
git push <RNAnorm-upstream-name> main <new-version>