- how to get access
- calendar access: outlook calendar publicly viewable, not editable - we need a way to see all bookings (see if you are the first booker) - students ask their supervisors for booking access - admins can grant access (AMR/R2C staff are admins)
- lab rules
- safety rules
- Objective of rules: raise awareness for possible dangers, and how to avoid them
- battery safety (charging)
- ground robots (kill switch for fast robots)
- drone
- how can the drone hurt you and others?
- safety glasses for everyone that is in the cage
- gloves for large propellors
- for large drones/propellors stay away from net
- raise awareness of other people sitting in front of the net
- close curtains to protect student workplaces (people are distracted)
- rope instructions (weights)
- usage rules
- table usage (also document on tables)
- cleaning up tables (cables, hardware)
- safety rules
- infrastructure
- check AMR wiki if more needs to be moved (where are the robot documentations?)
- mocap cleanup (e.g., calibration instructions) -> Dennis/Saray
- video recording needs documentation -> Thomas makes initial instructions
- network -> Lasse
Ask people to contribute to the wiki if they find out important advice (PhDs edit directly if confident, otherwise or if student/external make pull request)