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All the tools you need to reproduce the CellIFT paper experiments


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This repository regroups tools needed to reproduce the experiments performed in the CellIFT paper.

The supported designs are frozen versions of Ibex , PULPissimo (modified for the HACK@DAC'18 competition), CVA6, Rocket and BOOM.

What is it about?

Visit our dedicated web page to know more about the nature and use cases of CellIFT.

In a few words, CellIFT is a mechanism that supports dynamic information flow tracking for RTL designs. Dynamic information flow tracking is a mechanism that, for a given set of input signals (taint sources), reveals which internal and output signals (taint sinks) can be affected by changing values at these inputs, as illustrated in the figure below. Use cases of CellIFT encompass scenari from checking data integrity and confidentiality to detecting complex information leakage such as Spectre or Meltdown.

As opposed to the pre-existing information flow tracking mechanisms, CellIFT is open source. CellIFT also outperforms pre-existing mechanisms in terms of precision and in terms of speed by one to two orders of magnitude.

Along with this repository, we provide instrumented versions of 5 CPU designs. CellIFT can instrument any digital design, and this repository is a great starting point to instrument your own design.

Getting started

There are two alternatives: using a Docker image, or installing the tools locally.

With Docker

For an explanation of Docker and how CellIFT uses it, see README-Docker.txt.

There are a number of images that are available on the Dockerhub container registry.

  1. Tools (all CellIFT itself and its version-controlled dependencies):
   $ docker pull
   $ docker run -it bash

CellIFT tools sources will be in /cellift-meta, and the binaries in /root/prefix-cellift/.

  1. Ibex design (Tools + source code with CellIFT instrumentation infrastructure): tag: To use:
   $ docker pull
   $ docker run -it bash

CellIFT tools sources are again in /cellift-meta, binaries in /root/prefix-cellift, and the Ibex design sources in /cellift-designs/ibex/, cellift-specific dir is /cellift-designs/ibex/cellift. To see CellIFT in action, execute from the container the Ibex tests:

     root@afb86238a65a:/cellift-designs/ibex/cellift# bash
     metarepo root: /cellift-meta
     Selected design: ibex
     make: Entering directory '/cellift-meta/benchmarks/benchmarks'

This will build vanilla and cellift modes, each in trace and notrace modes, and execute them, loading a certain benchmark binary (see for details), i.e. all 4 combinations.

  1. Pulpissimo HDAC design: tag: To use:
   $ docker pull
   $ docker run -it bash
   # bash
  1. CVA6 design: tag: To use:
   $ docker pull
   $ docker run -it bash
   # bash
  1. boom design: tag: To use:
   $ docker pull
   $ docker run -it bash
   # bash
  1. rocket design: tag: To use:
   $ docker pull
   $ docker run -it bash
   # bash

See docker/README-Docker.txt.

With a local installation of tools

First, get the repository and its submodules. This may take a while.

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
cd cellift-meta

The -j8 indicates fetching up to 8 repo's in parallel. This is a fairly heavyweight operation because it includes the toolchain repo's.

Second, install the prerequisites with apt following the apt lines of docker/Dockerfile-base.

Third, adapt the environment file to your needs/capabilities and then source it.


Fourth, install the necessary tools. This may take a while.

make -j$CELLIFT_JOBS installtools

Fifth, to get all the design repositories next to the cellift-meta to obtain such a hierarchy...

├── cellift-designs
│   ├── cellift-chipyard
│   ├── cellift-cva6
│   ├── cellift-ibex
│   └── cellift-pulpissimo-hdac-2018
└── cellift-meta

... type the following commands:

cd ..
mkdir cellift-designs
cd cellift-designs
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone --recursive

Repository hierarchy

  • benchmarks: contains the riscv-tests benchmarks that can run on the 5 designs.
  • design-processing: contains utilities to process data, that are typically shared between multiple designs.
  • docker: to run CellIFT in a container, see docker/README-Docker.txt
  • external-dependencies: contains a frozen fork of the Opentitan repository, useful for the Ibex design.
  • python-experiments: contains a number of Python scripts that reproduce the experiments described in the paper.
  • tests: contains basic tests to check whether the tool installation was successful.
  • tools: contains tools, many of them as submodules.

How to use the designs

Make sure to always have cellift-meta/ sourced.

Designs should be cloned in a new directory cellift-designs next to cellift-meta, for example making the following path valid: cd ../cellift-designs/celift-ibex. You can build all the design executables with cd design-processing && python3 && cd.. once all the designs are cloned, and Rocket and BOOM are prepared (see below). Designs can be instrumented and/or executed with diverse make targets, which must be run in the respective cellift. Among these targets are:

  • run_INSTRUMENTATION_TRACING, where INSTRUMENTATION is vanilla, passthrough (just goes through Yosys, but without instrumentation), cellift or glift; TRACING is notrace, trace (generates vcd for the tools) or trace_fst (fst wave format, more convenient, and that can be visualized using make wave or make wave_fst). This synthesizes (and potentially instruments) the design, compiles the testbench and runs it.
  • recompile_INSTRUMENTATION_TRACING to only recompile the testbench.
  • rerun_INSTRUMENTATION_TRACING to only rerun the testbench without any recompilation.
  • make wave to visualize traces after running a target whose name ended with _trace, and make wave_fst for _trace_fst targets.

Designs usually require some environment variables (typically present in files, for example cellift-ibex/cellift/ to run such as:

  • TRACEFILE: the path to the waveform file to generate (*.fst or *.vcd) if tracing is activated.
  • SIMLEN: the number of cycles to simulate.

The taint file format is, for each line: <taint_color> <address> <num bytes to taint> <taint mask (all F means fully tainted)> All numberic values are written in hexadecimal.

Preparing the Rocket and BOOM cores

For instrumenting the Rocket and BOOM cores, located in cellift-chipyard, it is required to first generate the Verilog code. The complete procedure is as follows.

cd ../cellift-designs/cellift-chipyard/
# See
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential bison flex software-properties-common curl
sudo apt-get install -y libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev zlib1g-dev vim default-jdk default-jre
echo "deb /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list
curl -sL "" | sudo apt-key add
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y sbt
sudo apt-get install -y texinfo gengetopt
sudo apt-get install -y libexpat1-dev libusb-dev libncurses5-dev cmake
sudo apt-get install -y python3.8 patch diffstat texi2html texinfo subversion chrpath wget
sudo apt-get install -y libgtk-3-dev gettext
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip python3.8-dev rsync libguestfs-tools expat ctags
sudo apt-get install -y device-tree-compiler
sudo apt-get install -y python
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:git-core/ppa -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git -y
./scripts/ # Press 'y' when prompted that this is not the official repository.
# End of classical Chipyard repository setup.
cd sims/verilator

# For the 2 targets below, ignore the error `[error] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Xmx8G -Xss8M<some path>`.
# For Rocket
make CONFIG=MySmallVMRocketConfig
# For BOOM
make CONFIG=MySmallBoomConfig

How to run the RISC-V benchmarks

To build the RISC-V benchmarks, execute:

cd benchmarks
cd ..

Then, to run the benchmarks on all designs (they must be built beforehand), execute:

cd python-experiments
cd ..

Compiling design-specific binaries

Each design has a sw directory, containing itself one directory per software experiment. To compile each of these binaries, run make in the corresponding subdirectory of the sw directory.

Reproducing the experiments

Once all the designs, benchmarks and design-specific binaries are compiled, you can reproduce the paper's experiments.

cd python-experiments

# Plot the benchmark performance (slowdown compared to Vanilla) for all designs and supported instrumentations.

# Plot the cell composition statistics (make sure to have built all the statistics logs, for example using `cd design-processing && python3`).

# Plot the number of tainted states in Ibex for the benchmarks.

# Plot the instrumentation performance (which should first be logged during instrumentation).

# Plot the memory that was used during instrumentation and synthesis.

# Plot the number of tainted states during a scenario (Meltdown or Spectre, for example). Do not forget to compile the design-specific binary (in the corresponding design repository, typically in `cellift-chipyard/cellift-boom/sw/<scenario_name>/`)
python3 # You can customize parameters in this script, such as which design or which scenario to run.

Resource usage monitoring

Python wrapper for resource usage

sudo apt-get install python3.9 python3.9-venv python3.9 -mvenv venv/resources ./venv/resources/bin/pip install -r python_scripts/resources/requirements.txt ./datapoints

How to log resource usage for instrumentation, synthesis, and running

  1. set up the python environment (parent item). Execute these phases as normal, but before you do: export LOGRESOURCES=yes then resourcewrapper will log data in the tables_data dir for each phase and each method.

e.g.: export LOGRESOURCES=yes make clean run_vanilla_notrace run_cellift_notrace run_glift_plus_notrace

to check if loggin will happen, look for this line in the output: resourcewrapper (log): Executing fusesoc run --build hdac_run_vanilla_notrace for table pulpissimo, row vanilla, column synth. in particular the (log) word. If logging is skipped, it will say (no log).

This writes the raw data to tables_data/*.txt, and the colated data in formatted LaTeX table format to generated/*.tex.

If you want to regenerate the LaTeX tables from the raw data, use: ./venv/resources/bin/python python_scripts/resources/ tables_data generated where the first and 2nd args are the raw data dir and formatted output dir respectively.


All the CellIFT related contributions are licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.


All the tools you need to reproduce the CellIFT paper experiments







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