This package provides example launch files for GeRoNa.
We provide two simple stage examples: Both of them spawn a stage world with a kobuki and start GeRoNa plus RViz. Use the navigation goal from RViz to test GeRoNa interactively.
stage_example_odometry.launch Uses only the simulated odometry. No mapping is performed, which causes problems with obstacles behind the robot
stage_example_amcl.launch Uses a map and AMCL for full navigation
Remove the CATKIN_IGNORE file in gerona_examples
Use rosdep to get all dependencies, or install them manually with
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-turtlebot-stage
To use rosdep, run the following
rosdep install --from-paths -i -r -y <path-to-src>
We provide two gazebo examples that use skid steering robots. To run the example, install the following dependencies:
Use rosdep to get all dependencies, or install them manually with sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-summit-xl-sim
Clone the latest version of the following repositories into your workspace:
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
The first startup of gazebo might take a while as gazebo downloads missing models.
- gazebo_example_summit.launch
Summit XL simulation, shows how to remap topics, tf frames and groups.
There is a problem with the summit simulation in older gazebo versions: friciton pyramid makes skid steering inhomogeneous. Depending on the absolute orientation of the robot, the skidding behaves differently. To test if your gazebo version has this problem, simply publish a static command to the robot:
rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "linear:
x: 0.3
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.50" -r 10
If the robot is not moving in a circle, a useful behavior of GeRoNa cannot be expected.
- gazebo_example_pioneer.launch
Pioneer simulation and full GeRoNa stack demonstration.
- gazebo_example_pioneer_pioneer_follower_only.launch
Pioneer simulation and demonstration where only the path follower is used.
A secondary node (
) is used to convert nav_msgs/Path
from global_planner
into path_msgs/DirectionalPath
- gazebo_example_summit_mbc.launch
Demonstrates the use of local planning on a elevation map only based only on the RGB-D sensor. In order to run the example the "summit_xl_rgbd_down.urdf.xacro" file from "gerona_examples/robots" needs to be copied to "summit_xl_description/robots" folder in the summit_xl_common package.