Santatecla is a revolutionary teaching tool based on material created with structured concepts.
David Cuenca Ortega | DavidCuencaOrtega | Itineraries edit and cards
Ignacio Martínez Castro | NachoMC | Units
Alejandro Quesada Soto | alexibro | Exercises
Jesús Borrero Gómez | JesusBorrero | Course and progress
The knowledge is structured as units, which can be related to each other with different types of relationships, hierarchically. The teacher can add new units and relationships and edit existing ones. Units are made up of content, as cards, exercises, lessons and itineraries.
Different aspects of each unit will be managed in cards. These cards can contain text in Asciidoc format and images.
A unit has different exercises. Teacher can manage them adding, deleting and editing questions. Also he can correct it by his own. Students are able to answer the questions of the units they belong.
Lessons consist of a series of ordered slides which will contain cards and text in Asciidoc format.
Editing lessons include operations such as asserting cards, exercises and slides of other lessons.
Ordered set of lessons. It is what the student will see.
The teacher can create a personalized course from an itinerary, and share it for a group of students. In order to check the progress of the students, teacher can consult some personalized tables and charts for each course. This progress check is divided into student progress and unit progress.
The student's profile can consult the courses the student is in. In this courses the student can do exercises and read itineraries and views.
For more detailed info, you can check our wiki