Changelog for Make-a-Vis and DVL-FW.
- Migrated from Travis CI to GitHub Actions (TODO: npm publishing)
- Added a project loading message while loading data
- Added a dialog that appears when there are too many records (roughly >5,000 records) to make sure the user wishes to continue
- Added Google Analytics with custom event logging (same as show up in projects)
- Added visualization settings to all visualizations
- Added zoom/pan option to scatterplot, map of science, and network visualization
- Added node/edge scaling options to network visualization
- Added option to expand the Temporal Bar Graph
- Added an initial CSV Tutorial
- Updated to Angular 11
- Updated Vega Lite to 5.0
- Bug fixes to support the upcoming VAC class
- Fixed styling issue when using mav-embed #294
- Fixed regression in geomap and network not supporting the label Graphic Variable #288
- Fixed regression in temporal bar graph, where
was supposed to be used in the absence ofy-order
- Upgraded to Angular 9
- Replaced all @ngx-dino visualizations with vega-lite based visualizations
- Geographic map now supports multiple basemaps, projections, zooming/panning, and more
- All visualizations can be opened directly in vega-editor for additional customization
- Added world-wide geocoding in advanced mode (press 'a' then 'b' to toggle advanced mode)
- Fixed a bug where exporting data from tables caused the number of rows to double, see Issue #271
- Fixed a bug where extra long text in the visualization description concealed the save button when editing, see Issue #270
- @dvl-fw/ngx-dino has been removed and no longer supported
- Temporal Bar Graph has some unresolved graphical differences from the previous version
- 'star' and 'wye' shapes are no longer supported, but could be implemented with custom paths, see the vega-lite docs
- Split out @dvl-fw into multiple packages to lower the footprint for new projects that don't necessarily need all of the things available
- @dvl-fw has been split out into multiple packages. The API is the same, but you may have to import from different packages to get the code needed from before.
- Improved CSV parsing
- Minor graphical updates
- Updated dependencies
This is mostly a release to add some minor features and enhancements to be used in other projects.
- Added mav-embed which allows people to embed MaV/DVL-FW visualizations (and their legends) in regular html pages (and even React). A couple simple examples are at Note: this feature is currently only supported on evergreen browsers (Chrome and Firefox, but NOT IE11).
- Expanded RawData to support CSV and YAML loading
- RawData can now pull data from external urls and be handled properly by MaV
- The MaV data table can now properly handle streaming data
- The MaV UI responsiveness should be slightly improved
- CSV Template can now load multiple CSV files, for instance to make networks with Nodes and Edges CSV files.
- Removed the blank scatterplot visualization that is created when normally loading CSV from MaV
- Created a reusable component to DVL-FW that allows for creating legends (previously this was only in the MaV UI)
- Added a super-secret way to enabled advanced functionality (MaV Advanced). Pressing 'a', then 'b' toggles it. This is currently a hidden/alpha feature that shows all the available graphic variables available to a visualization rather than the current limited set. This opens up opacity, stroke, and other advanced graphic variables for us. In the future, we may also have hidden/alpha visualizations that are accessible only via MaV Advanced.
- Added a a download button to the data tables for downloading as .csv
- Added paging to the data tables so that all data can be seen
- Added an offline mode. All features work offline except for sharing. A check is made every two hours to see if there are new updates. If so, a prompt is shown to allow the user to upgrade to latest version.
- An initial documentation site was created. It is available here.
- Improved appearance of record streams in the middle column add/edit visualization feature.
- Improved CSS structure of the app.
- ISI and NSF files no longer have to be named .isi or .nsf (respectively) and can remain as .txt or .csv (respectively).
- CSV files can now accept columns formatted as "xxx$$yyy" to create custom DataVariable (xxx) to GraphicVariable (yyy) mappings.
- Bug fixes, unit tests added, and documentation added. Testing and Documentation is a work in progress. Our eventual goal is to get to >90% coverage on both.
- Minor Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes, UI Tweaks, and Stabilization
- A lot of Bug Fixes, UI Tweaks, and Stabilization
- Refined legend styling and in general
- Graphic Variable hovering feature added
- Bug fixes, stabilization
- There are still some bugs/QA to be worked out next week
- Happy New Year!
- Better functioning add/edit visualization featue
- Bug fixes, stabilization
- Legend styling needs refined
- Graphic Variable hovering feature is not yet working
- Some styling options are still in process for the add/edit visualization feature
- A completely redesigned UI
- New Temporal Bar Graph Visualization
- CSV Data Loading Support
- First release of make-a-vis and dvl-fw!