An iOS Drop Down Menu. It's very similar to menus for desktop applications. Screenshot:
To integrate CYDropDownMenu into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'YourProjectName' do
pod 'CYDropDownMenu', '~> 1.0.2'
For Swfit, remember to import CYDropDownMenu
module before using it.
Copy the source code in the /CYDropDownMenu folder into your project.
Just use it like UIView
. You could quickly find out how to use it with more details in the Demo project.
Create the CYDropDownMenu
and set data:
CGFloat navigationBarHeight = ([UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame.size.height + (self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame.size.height ?: 0.0));
CYDropDownMenu *dropDownMenu = [[CYDropDownMenu alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, navigationBarHeight, self.view.frame.size.width, 45)];
dropDownMenu.sectionTitles = @[@"Category", @"Price", @"Distance", @"Order", @"More"];
dropDownMenu.sectionsItems = @[@[@"All",@"Food", @"Hotel", @"Bank", @"Cinema", @"Entertainment"],
@[@"$0", @"$1-$100", @"$101-$1000", @">$1000"],
@[@"0-10km", @"11-100km", @"101-1000km", @">1000km"],
@[@"Recommended", @"Near to me", @"The highest sales", @"Hots"],
@[@"24 Hours", @"Available in Holidays"]];
dropDownMenu.autoCenterTitles = YES; //for the case there are only 1 or 2 titles, we center them.
dropDownMenu.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:dropDownMenu];
// Additional customizations:
dropDownMenu.sectionTitleColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor; //The color of top titles
dropDownMenu.sectionTitleTintColor = UIColor.redColor; //The color of top selected titles
dropDownMenu.itemColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor; //The color of menu item
dropDownMenu.itemTintColor = UIColor.redColor; //The color of selected menu item
dropDownMenu.bottomLineHidden = YES; //Indicates whether display the bottom line
dropDownMenu.maxMenuHeight = 100; //Keep this to nil usually. The Menu height is automatically calculated, and limited in rootview's height. Set this property if you want to limit the height precisely.
dropDownMenu.rootView = self.view; //Keep this to nil usually. The ViewController's view will be considered as rootView if the property is not set. Set this property to limite the DropDownMenu and its actions into a particular SubView.
Handle the event
#pragma mark - CYDropDownMenuDelegate
- (void)CYDropDownMenu:(CYDropDownMenu *)dropDownMenu didSelectItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
NSLog(@"Menu item '%@' of section '%@' is selected",dropDownMenu.sectionsItems[indexPath.section][indexPath.row], dropDownMenu.sectionTitles[indexPath.section]);
We recommend using CocoaPods
to integrate the library into your project. Then code it like this:
import UIKit
import CYDropDownMenu
class ViewController: UIViewController,CYDropDownMenuDelegate {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let topbarHeight = UIApplication.shared.statusBarFrame.size.height + (self.navigationController != nil ? self.navigationController!.navigationBar.frame.size.height : CGFloat(0.0))
let dropDownMenu = CYDropDownMenu(frame: CGRect(x: 0.0, y: topbarHeight, width: self.view.frame.size.width, height: 45.0))
dropDownMenu.sectionTitles = ["Category", "Price"];
dropDownMenu.sectionsItems = [["All","Food", "Hotel", "Bank", "Cinema", "Entertainment"],
["$0", "$1-$100", "$101-$1000", ">$1000"]];
dropDownMenu.autoCenterTitles = true
dropDownMenu.delegate = self
// MARK: CYDropDownMenuDelegate
func cyDropDownMenu(_ dropDownMenu: CYDropDownMenu!, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath!) {
print("Menu item '\(dropDownMenu.sectionsItems[indexPath.section][indexPath.row])' of section '\(dropDownMenu.sectionTitles[indexPath.section])' is selected")
CYDropDownMenu is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.