Provides access to Amazon Athena service using SQL queries via a JDBC driver.
Simple steps to link CSVs with Athena and get results in Datagrok:
Upload CSVs to an S3 bucket. Note that Athena looks into S3 folder, not file, so if CSVs have different structure, they should be located in separate folders. For example:
Bucket s3://athena-northwind/ orders/ orders.csv products/ products.csv
Create a bucket or folder in the existing bucket for Athena Output. For example:
Create table in Athena console. UI builds SQL query for creating table in Athena. Following example for Northwind "products.csv":
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS northwind.products ( `productid` int, `productname` string, `supplierid` int, `categoryid` int, `quantityperunit` string, `unitprice` double, `unitsinstock` int, `unitsonorder` int, `reorderlevel` int, `discontinued` int ) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( 'serialization.format' = ',', 'field.delim' = ',' ) LOCATION 's3://athena-northwind/products/' TBLPROPERTIES ( 'has_encrypted_data' = 'false', 'skip.header.line.count' = '1' );
- To change CSV delimiter adjust "serialization.format" and "field.delim" parameters
- To skip the header line add "skip.header.line.count" parameter
Create a data connection in the Datagrok platform. The parameters may include:
, or"connString"
. For example:- Name: northwind
- Server:
- Db: northwind
- Port: 443
- S3 Output Location: s3://athena-northwind/results/
- Access Key:
- Secret Key:
* Server has the following format: "athena.<region>"
* Do not forget "/" at "S3 Output Location" parameter end
Create a data query under the new connection. For example:
SELECT * FROM northwind.products
- Athena requires DB name before table name "northwind.products"
See also: