Releases: bestguy/sveltestrap
Releases · bestguy/sveltestrap
Add Popover
This release adds Popover, many thanks to @eddie0329 for the work.
Add Tooltip
Tooltip is now added thanks to @eddie0329
Correct TabContent
This release corrects issue with using more than one TabContent on same page.
Correct Navbar dropdowns
This release corrects issue in #187
Correct Input, Button types
Corrects #197
Correct Input
This release corrects placeholder and readonly props for Input type="textarea"
Correct TypeScript types with SSR
Corrects TypeScript types support for SSR imports:
import { Button, Card } from 'sveltestrap/src';
Revert Icon component
Removes Icon due to ts and other build troubles
Correct Col output attributes
Correct Col to not export xs, sm, md, lg, xl props in output HTML
Correct id issue with CustomInput
Corrects #178