To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
There are couple of functions in FireFast.UseCaseProvider.makeAuthUseCases()
, you can use to authenticate users with the Firebase:
public protocol AuthUseCasesProtocol {
func getPasswordSignInMethods() -> PasswordAuthProtocol
func getPhoneNumberSignInMethods() -> PhoneAuthProtocol
func getSignInMethod(forType: SignInMethodType) -> CommonAuthProtocol
func getUser() -> AuthorizationResponseModel?
func signOut() throws
set delegates inside the AppDelegate so everything will be handled by the FireFast:
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var window: UIWindow?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
FireFast.UseCaseProvider.application(application: application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
return true
func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
return FireFast.UseCaseProvider.application(application: app, open: url, options: options)
There is a complete example in this repo so you can download the project and check it, BUT if your busy or lazy like me, check this:
let authenticator = FireFast.UseCaseProvider.makeAuthUseCases()
//Sign-in with email and
authenticator.getPasswordSignInMethods().signInWith(email: email, password: password) { [unowned self](loginInfo) -> (Void) in
} onError: { [unowned self](error) -> (Void) in
authenticator.getSignInMethod(forType: .apple).presentSignIn(on: self) { [unowned self](loginInfo) -> (Void) in
print("success \(, \(")
} onError: { [unowned self](error) -> (Void) in
You don't need to write codes for each sign-in methods but you must do some configurations in the project to work fine. before continue enable each sign-in method from the firebase console then follow these steps:
- For Google sign-in you need to download 'GoogleService-Info.plist' from the Firebase console and create a url scheme in your project configurations More.
- For Apple sign-in you need to add a capability of Apple sign to your project More
- For Facebook sign-in you need to go to the and create an app then fill required informations More.
FireFast support calling Cloud Functions with a super easy use-case inside FireFast.UseCaseProvider.makeCloudFunctionUseCases()
You can send a dictionary and receive a generic codable. no more extra code!
public protocol FunctionUseCasesProtocol {
func call<T: Codable>(name: String, parameters: [String: Any]?, onSuccess: @escaping (T) -> Void, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
There is an amazing structure of GenericCollection which accepts a codable inside FireFast.UseCaseProvider.makeFirestoreUseCases()
and provides complete use-cases for quering firestore, or making an AutoPaginator to paginate a query automatically:
public struct GenericCollection<T: Codable> {
public func paginate() -> AutoPaginator<T>
public func get(documentId id: String, onSuccess: @escaping ((T?) -> Void), onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
public func getAll( onSuccess: @escaping (([T]) -> Void), onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
public func find(query: @escaping (CollectionReference) -> Query, onSuccess: @escaping (([T]) -> Void), onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
public func upsert(dictionary: [String: Any], withId id: String? = nil, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
public func upsert(document: T, withId id: String? = nil, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
public func update(document: T, forDocumentId id: String, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
public func update(fields: [String: Any], forDocumentId id: String, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
public func delete(fieldNames: [String], fromDocumentWithId id: String, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
public func delete(documentId id: String, completionHandler: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
Working with cloud storage is pretty fun with the FireFast. you can access to the use cases inside FireFast.UseCaseProvider.makeCloudFunctionUseCases()
You can upload, create url of the document or delete it easily:
public protocol StorageUseCaseProtocol {
func upload(data: Data, path: String, onSuccess: @escaping (UploadInfoModel) -> Void, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
func makeURL(path: String, onSuccess: @escaping (URL) -> Void, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
func delete(path: String, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)?)
There are couple of function and a generic one to get data from remote config. all of the are accessible with FireFast.UseCaseProvider.makeRemoteConfigUseCases()
public protocol RemoteConfigUseCasesProtocol {
func get<T: Codable>(key: String, onSuccess: @escaping (T) -> Void, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
func get(key: String, onSuccess: @escaping (Bool) -> Void, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
func get(key: String, onSuccess: @escaping (String) -> Void, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
func get(key: String, onSuccess: @escaping (NSNumber) -> Void, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
func get(key: String, onSuccess: @escaping (Data) -> Void, onError: ((Error) -> Void)?)
If you think this repo need to have new usecase feel free to add an issue or send a pull request.
FireFast is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FireFast'
behrad-kzm, [email protected]
FireFast is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.