- Magento Architecture & Customization Techniques 33%
- Request Flow Processing 7%
- Customizing the Magento UI 15%
- Working with Databases in Magento 18%
- Developing with Adminhtml 11%
- Customizing Magento Business Logic 16%
Describe module architecture. Step 2A.1 Notes, amasty, magento-notes
What are the significant steps to add a new module? Step 2A.2-3 mageplaza, magestore
What are the different Composer package types? Step 2A.3, amasty
When would you place a module in the app/code folder versus another location? Step 2A.3
Describe the Magento directory structure. devdocs, mageplaza, amasty
What are the naming conventions, and how are namespaces established? devdocs1 devdocs2 devdocs3
How can you identify the files responsible for some functionality? Step 2A.1
Determine how to use configuration files in Magento. Step 2B.5
Which configuration files are important in the development cycle?amastyBlog, belvg
Describe development in the context of website and store scopes. magestore , mage2-blog
How do you identify the configuration scope for a given variable? docs.magento
How do native Magento scopes (for example, price or inventory) affect development and decision-making processes? magestandard , bsscommerceBlog
Demonstrate an ability to add different values for different scopes. Step 2B.1
How can you fetch a system configuration value programmatically?Step 2B.5
How can you override system configuration values for a given store using XML configuration? stackexchange, webkulBlog
Demonstrate the ability to use the dependency injection concept in Magento development. DIconfiguration, amastyBlog
How are objects realized in code? amastyBlog
Why is it important to have a centralized object creation process? amasty
Identify how to use DI configuration files for customizing Magento. amasty
How can you override a native class, inject your class into another object, and use other techniques available in di.xml (for example, virtualTypes)? yireo, mageplaza
Given a scenario, determine how to obtain an object using the ObjectManager object. mageplaza , michiel
How would you obtain a class instance from different places in the code? atwix
Demonstrate an understanding of plugins. DI Plugins
How are plugins used in core code? mageplaza, magecomp yireo
How can they be used for customizations? eglobeits
Demonstrate how to create a customization using an event observer. DI Observer
How are observers registered? magenticians, devdocs
How are they scoped for frontend or backend? belvg, magenest
How are automatic events created, and how should they be used? meetanshi
How are scheduled jobs configured? PartE
Describe the usage of bin/magento commands in the development cycle. ConsoleCommand, BDC_Mycli,Step 2D.1
Which commands are available? emiprotechnologies, meetanshi, mage2.pro
How are commands used in the development cycle? devdocs
- How would you install and verify an extension by a customer’s request? belvg blog, devdocs
Understand the pros and cons of using developer mode or production mode.devdocs meetanshi blog
How do you enable/disable maintenance mode? devdocs
magento maintenance:enable [--ip=<ip address> ... --ip=<ip address>] | [ip=none]
magento maintenance:disable [--ip=<ip address> ... --ip=<ip address>] | [ip=none]
magento maintenance:status
create a frontend controller with different response types (HTML / JSON / redirect) SetupFrontendRoute, Responses
How do you identify which module/controller corresponds to a given URL? Step2A12
- How is the user-friendly URL of a product or category defined? mageplaza,
- How can you change it?
- How do you determine which page corresponds to a given user-friendly URL? fastcomet
- Demonstrate the ability to customize the Magento UI using themes. devdocs, inchoo
- When would you create a new theme? devdocs magestore
- How do you define theme hierarchy for a project? mageplaza
create UI customizations using a combination of a block and template? mageplaza, amasty
How do you assign a template to a block? webnexs , magenticians
How do you assign a different template to a native block? cloudways
- When would you use non-template block types? belvg
Magento layout XML schema, including the major XML directives? belvg, magestore magefoo
How do you use layout XML directives in your customizations? magento-notes
How do you register a new layout file? webkul
4.1 Describe the basic concepts of models, resource models, and collections mageplaza, emiprotechnologies,
pierrefay, fixes, module-creator
- What are the responsibilities of each of the ORM object types? Step2A9Note1
- How do they relate to one another?
- How do you use the native Magento save/load process in the development process?save/load process
- How do you add a column using declarative schema? Step 2A.4 -5 BDC_Declarative
- How do you modify a table added by another module? ||
- How do you delete a column? ||
- How do you add an index or foreign key using declarative schema? ||
- How do you manipulate data using data patches? Step 2A.7
- What is the purpose of schema patches? Step 2A.7 BDC_Declarative
- How would you create an admin controller? Step 2B.15-17, mage2-blog,magecheck
- How do you ensure the right level of security for a new controller? andresa
terms and elements of system configuration, including scopes, website, store, store view? ||
How would you add a new system configuration option? belvg, inviqa, magecomp
What is the difference in this process for different option types (secret, file)? Secret Field
<field id="custom_secret" type="obscure" translate="label" sortOrder="70" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="1" showInStore="1">
<label>Custom Secret Field</label>
type=”obscure” hides the field value from the frontend, but in this case, the data will still be stored as plain text.
Setting Magento\Config\Model\Config\Backend\Encrypted as a backend model allows you to encrypt the data in the database.
Most of the source models are located in app/code/Magento/Config/Model/Config/Source and backend models are located in app/code/Magento/Config/Model/Config/Backend.
- How would you add a new ACL resource to a new entity? Step 2B.3
- How do you manage the existing ACL hierarchy? Step 2B.8
- How do you add a new menu item to a given tab? Step 2B.1
- How do you add a new tab to the Admin menu? dckap, chapagain
- How are menu items related to ACL permissions? mageplaza, belvg blog
- How do you add a new user with given set of permissions? mageworx, mageplaza
- How would you obtain a product of a specific type, and what tools (in general) does a product type model provide? belvg, mageplaza
- How are configurable and bundle products rendered? belvg
- How can you create a custom shopping cart renderer? mage2, sherocommerce
How would you add another tab in the “My Account” section? magecomp,mageplaza, webkul
How do you customize the order history page? belvg
- How do you add or modify customer attributes in a setup script? mageplaza, coolblueweb devdocs
- How do you add another field to the customer address entity using a setup script? siphor, webkul, web4pro, devdocs