Generate a Screen Space Ambiant Occlusion pass from a Z pass.
May need a bit of time tweaking the parameters to get good results as it changes a lot depending on the original Z values.
More informations below the screenshot
To use it :
Set Near and Far plane (minimum and maximum Z Value) to map the Z pass roughly bettween 0 and 1 value.
Set Radius and Falloff to get good shadows
Set the sample value (may need up to 1000 iterations for a very smooth result)
as you increase the samples, you'll need to lower the sample noise value to something like 0.05
Finally you can blur the AO a little bit to get rid of the final noise/artifacts...
If you have high samples and high noise sample value, the result is still noisy.
If you have low samples and low noise Value , the result as artifacts.
Credits :
The original code by Daniel Holden is taken from here :
the sampling sphere fonction by John Chapman is taken from here :
Shadertoy/Pyplug conversion by Sozap