A chat system package for Laravel that enables users to chat with each other using Pusher PHP server. This Package provide you Echosystem ( Event , Controller , Migrations , Models , Views ) which enable your application to start conversatation between two users.
This package requires the following dependencies:
- User Authentication System ( Breeze , Jetstream , Custom )
- Pusher PHP server
- Pusher API keys and secret keys (obtained from your Pusher account)
- Communication through private channel
- Support Conversation Between two Users
- Dark Theme for Chat System
Make sure you have a Pusher keys if you don't have then get them by login to Pusher Dashboard and then create new APP , and install Pusher PHP Server For authentication preffer to install Laravel Breeze package in your Laravel application.
Run the following command to install the Laravel Chat System package:
composer require alisarwar/chat-system:dev-main
This package provide you Event , Controller , Migrations , Models , Views these things create an echo-system to implement chat system in you application
Add Routes to your web.php
# veiw all available users to start conversation Route::get('/message',[MessageController::class , 'message'])->name('message'); # open chat of specfic user Route::get('/chat/{slug?}',[MessageController::class , 'chat'])->name('chat'); # broadcast message to channel Route::post('/broadcast', [MessageController::class , 'broadcast'])->name('broadcast'); # receive message from channel Route::post('/receive', [MessageController::class , 'receive'])->name('receive'); # authenticate private channel Route::post('/pusher/auth', [MessageController::class , 'auth'])->name('pusher.auth');
Update your .env
Migrate and Server Your Application
php artisan migrate php artisan serve
Register Users and start conversation by going to /message
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.