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Paul The Alien

GitHub App

Paul The Alien

GitHub App

Paul The Alien

Go Report Card

A Github Bot that has a love for furry things and will help with day to day tasks

A huge shout out to inspiration Derek created by Alex Ellis. If you need something for production work flows, I suggest having a look and sponsoring


If you would like to install Paul, you can find him in the Github Apps.

Please Note Paul is currently in Alpha. Backwards incompatible changes can occur. There also might be times where you will need to update permissions based on newly released features.


PR's and Issues


  • /approve: Paul will approve a Pull Request (conditions: must be a maintainer in PAUL.yaml)
  • /merge: Paul will merge the Pull Request (conditions: must be a maintainer in PAUL.yaml)
  • /label <some-label>: Paul will label the issue/PR with that label (conditions: must be maintainer and label must exists)
  • /remove-label <some-label>: Paul will remove a label from a issue/PR (conditions: must be maintainer in PAUL.yaml and label must exists)
  • /dog: Paul will add and image of a dog
  • /cat: Paul will add an Image of a cat
  • /giphy <some description>: Paul will fetch a giphy that matches the description and add it to the PR/Issue (only single word descriptions are currently supported)

Other Functions:

  • Branch Destroyer: Will delete a branch when it has been merged (conditions: won't delete default branch or any protected branch, see configuration)
  • New PR Message: Paul will post a review message when a new PR is created (condition: wont post message if maintainer opens PR)
  • Pull Request Limiter: Paul will close PR's for a user if they have more than x amount of pull requests already open (see configuration). This will limit the amount of Work In Progress
  • Empty Pull Requests: Does not allow Empty Descriptions, two levels, enforced means Paul will close the Pull Request with a message, without enforced Paul will just send a review saying to add a description
  • Label Stale Pull Requests: This setting will mark Pull Requests stale if they have not been updated within the specified days
  • Automated Merging of Pull Requests: Any pull request labeled with merge will be automatically merged every hour if they are mergeable. This means that you can mark a Pull Requests as mergeable before all required checks have passed and once they have passed Paul will merge the Pull Request


Paul is configured using the PAUL.yaml in the .github/ directory of your default branch:

  - Spazzy757
# Allows for the /label and /remove-label commands
# usage: /label enhancement
# usage: /remove-label enhancement
# Will only add existing labels
# Can be used on PR's or Issues
labels: true
# Settings for branch destroyer
# branch destroyer will not delete your default branch
  enabled: true
  # set other "protected" branches here
    - main
  # The Setting to enable automaed merges
  automated_merge: true
  # The time in days after a PR should be labeled inactive
  stale_time: 15
  # This will limit the amount of PR's a single contributer can have
  # Limits work in progress
    max_number: 3
  # This is the message that will displayed when a user opens a pull request
  open_message: |
    Greetings! Thanks for opening a PR
  # Enables the /cat command
  cats_enabled: true
  # enables the /dog command
  dogs_enabled: true
  # Allows any maintainer in the list to run /approve
  # Paul will approve the PR (Does not merge it)
  allow_approval: true
  # enables the /giphy command
  giphy_enabled: true


If you would like to contribute, have a look at the


Paul The Alien is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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