This project creates a reference card for Liquibase.
Apache Maven version 3
To build, issue this from the command line:
mvn asciidoctor:http
The refcard is available on http://localhost:2000
You can generate a zip archive of the site with:
mvn asciidoctor:zip
The main file for the content is 'src/slides/content/refcard.asciidoc'. It loads include files from the 'src/slides/content/asciidoc' folder. The refcard is available in HTML5 format and you can also print a 2 column layout.
Overview: Summarizes Liquibase philosophy and features
Configuration: Explains how to use maven plugin for different operations
Commands: Provides information on all the change elements (e.g. insert, createTable, etc) supported by Liquibase and their rollback capability
The current print layout is a bit broken. But I’ve limitations when it comes to CSS and JS. Please feel free to fork the repository and make it better.
The project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0