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Optimization Algorithms - Quantization

This aim of this laboratory is to demonstrate the quantization on deep learning models using TensorFlow Lite.

The model used for quantization tasks is a MobileNetV2-based model for classifying dog and cat breeds. The dataset used for training, evaluating and quantizing the models is The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset.

The model for below tasks was trained using model_training script. The trained model is available under models directory as pet-dataset-tensorflow.h5.

All tasks should be implemented in quantization_experiments script. The current code in this script implements a ModelTester class that runs evaluation and performance measurements for the model. It requires implementing methods for:

  • preprocessing inputs (preprocess_input) - while the PetDataset object performs image loading and preprocessing, the trained and compiled models quite often require additional steps before inferring data, such as:

    • Proper data allocation,
    • Data quantization (for INT8 quantization).
  • postprocessing outputs (postprocess_outputs) - similarly as in preprocessing inputs, sometimes additional steps need to be made to get the proper results.

  • running inference (run_inference) - this method should only run inference method, all data pre- and postprocessing aspects (including allocation, scaling) should be done in the above-mentioned methods.

  • preparing model (prepare_model) - trained and compiled models may have different loading methods.

  • optimizing model (optimize_model) - this is the place where model compilation and optimization should take place.


  • Go over the quantization_experiments script and check what it does (go to methods from other modules to get the better understanding on how the solution works).

  • [1pt] In NativeModel class, in the prepare_model method, add printing summary of the model (there is a dedicated method for this in TensorFlow models) - check out the number of parameters in the model.

  • [4pt] Finish the FP32Model class:

    • in optimize_model, load the trained model, create a tf.lite.TFLiteConverter object from the model, convert it to the TFLite model without any optimizations and save results to the file under self.modelpath path.
    • in prepare_model, create a tf.lite.Interpreter for the model saved in self.modelpath path. I'd suggest setting a num_threads parameter here to the number of threads available in the CPU to significantly boost the inference process. You can use e.g. multiprocessing module to collect number of available cores. Remember to allocate tensors (there is a method for it).
    • in run_inference method, invoke the model.
    • in postprocess_outputs, implement the method for getting the output tensor (check out preprocess_input method for hints on how to do it).
  • [4pt] Finish the INT8Model class:

    • In optimize_model, optimize a model to work in full int8 mode:

      • use tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT optimization,
      • use calibration_dataset_generator as converter.representative_dataset,
      • use tf.int8 as inference input and output type.
      • in general, set following members of the converter object: optimizations, representative_dataset, target_spec.supported_ops, inference_input_type and inference_output_type
    • Implement prepare_model, run_inference

    • Implement preprocess_input and postprocess_outputs methods:

      • remember to quantize the inputs and dequantize the outputs (scale and zero_point parameters are present in self.model.get_input_details()[0]['quantization'] field, respectively)!
  • [2pt] Finish the ImbalancedINT8Model class:

    • Implement optimize_model method, where the calibration_dataset_generator will take all examples for objects with 5 class and use them for calibration:

      • Use self.dataset.dataX and self.dataset.dataY to extract all inputs for a particular class.
      • Remember to use self.dataset.prepare_input_sample method.
  • In the main script, uncomment all already supported classes and run it (it may take some time):

    python3 -m dl_in_iot_course.l02_quantization.quantization_experiments \
          --model-path models/pet-dataset-tensorflow.h5 \
          --dataset-root build/pet-dataset/ \
          --results-path build/results

    In the build/results directory, the script will create:

    • <prefix> file - contains basic metrics, such as accuracy, precision, sensitivity or G-Mean, along with inference time

    • <prefix>-confusion-matrix.png file - contains visualization of confusion matrix for the model evaluation. Those files will be created for:

    • native - the model running in TensorFlow framework,

    • tflite-fp32 - the model running in TFLite runtime with FP32 precision,

    • tflite-int8-<calibsize> - the model running in TFLite runtime with INT8 precision calibrated with <calibsize> fraction of training dataset,

    • tflite-imbint8 - the model running in TFLite runtime with INT8 precision calibrated with samples for several classes.

    NOTE: To download the dataset, add --download-dataset flag.

    NOTE: If the evaluation takes too long, reduce the test dataset size by setting --test-dataset-fraction to some lower value, but inform about this in the Summary note.

  • Write a small summary for experiments containing:

    • [1pt] Number of parameters in the model (in total),

    • [1pt] Size of FP32 TFLite model, and size of the INT8 model - compare the size reduction (check file sizes),

    • For each experiment include:

      • The computed metrics,
      • Confusion matrix.
    • Answers for the questions:

      • [1pt] How does the TFLite FP32 model perform in comparison to native model (both performance- and quality-wise)?
      • [1pt] How does the best INT8 model perform in comparison to the TFLite FP32 model (both performance- and quality-wise)?
      • [1pt] Is there any specific trend observable in the quality of INT8 models based on calibration dataset size?
      • [1pt] How does the model calibrated with samples of only one class perform in comparison to other INT8 models?

    The summary should be put in the project's summaries directory - follow the in this directory for details.

Additional factors:

  • [2pt] Git history quality

NOTE: There is no need to include the models in the repository.

NOTE: Confusion matrix shows clearly if there are any issues with the optimized model. If the confusion matrix is almost random (with no significantly higher values along the diagonal) - there are possible issues with the model, usually within preprocessing step (make sure to use scale, zero_point parameters and to convert the input data to int8 type).


Most of the documentation regarding quantization in TensorFlow Lite can be found in: