This depends on the control flow of your problem. For most simulations, it is convenient to
implement a binding to the TensorForce Environment
class (various examples in contrib). The
advantage of this is that it allows you to use the existing execution scripts, in particular the
utility. The general workflow is to copy one of the example scripts in the examples folder
which parse arguments and call the runner. The runner will then control execution by calling your
environment for the specified number of steps.
If you have a real-world environment, things are generally different as you may not be able to
delegate control flow to TensorForce. Instead, your external application might use TensorFlow as a
library, and call act()
and observe()
when new data is available. Consider the quickstart
example in the readme.
Generally, this is either because there is a bug in our implementation or a problem in your configuration or application. The reality of reinforcement learning is that getting things to work is very difficult and we will not be able to tell you why your specific thing is not working. Newcomers with some experience in deep learning, where successfully training small networks is easy, often carry over this expectation to reinforcement learning. Issues that simply ask for configuration help without doing some research (small ablation analysis, using some known hyper-parameters from papers, or reasonable argument why something should work) will be closed with reference to this document.
Please appreciate that for almost every problem, none of the default configurations will work, usually because batch sizes and learning rates are wrong, or you need vastly more data. Substantial practical experience is required to get an intuition for what is possible with which amount of data for a given problem. Reproducing papers is extremely difficult. From a user perspective, the expectation should be that to get an algorithm to work on any problem, hyper-parameter tuning is required.
That being said, there are small implementation issues in some of the Q-models due to the move to full TensorFlow code, and the current recommendation is to use PPO unless there is a good reason not to.
We get many feature requests and the answer to most is "maybe". Reinforcement learning is a very active, fast moving field, but at the same time very immature as a technology. This means most new approaches will likely not be practically relevant going forward, this is the nature of research, even though these approaches inform the development of more mature algorithms later.
Further, new approaches are often unnecessarily complex, which often only becomes clear in hindsight. For example, PPO both performs much better than TRPO and is much simpler to implement. TensorForce is not meant to be a collection of every new available trick. This is in particular not possible due to the architecture choices we have made to design full TensorFlow reinforcement learning graphs. Integrating new techniques into this architecture tends to require much higher effort than just implementing the new method from scratch in a separate script.
For this reason, we mostly do not implement new papers straight away unless they are extremely convincing and have a good implementation difficulty to return ratio.
By changing the type of the optimizer where appropriate. For example, a vanilla policy gradient may use an evolutionary optimizer via:
and a natural gradient optimizer via:
Please note that not every model can sensibly make use of every optimizer. Read up on the individual model, for example, TRPO is by default a natural gradient model.
The deterministic flag on act
only concerns the action selection. It does
not affect whether training is performed or not. Training is controlled via
calls. The deterministic flag is relevant with regard to stochastic
and deterministic policies. For example, policy gradient models typically
assume a stochastic policy during training (unless when using deterministic policy
gradients). Q-models, which we have also implemented inheriting from a distribution
model (see our blog posts on architecture), deterministically sample their action
via their greedy maximisation.
When evaluating the final trained model, one would typically act deterministically to avoid sampling random actions.
Actions can either be specified as single actions which just require a dict specifying
a type
and shape
, or a num_actions
parameter in the case of discrete actions.
A shape
can be used to specify multiple actions of the same type, e.g.
actions=dict(type='float', shape=(5,), min_value=-2, max_value=2)
specifies 5 float actions
with the same range. Please note that using the min/max parameter results in
a Beta distribution instead of a Gaussian distribution being used for continuous
actions. If a single action is desired, use shape=()
The parameter num_actions
is only used for discrete
actions and describes the number of different options for a single discrete action. That is,
dict(type='int', shape=(2,), num_actions=4)
means the agent will output two actions
per step, each giving values in [0, 1, 2, 3].
There are no restrictions on combining multiple action types. Available action types
are float,int,bool
. In the case of multiple actions, the agent expects a dict containing
action names and their types. For example,
discrete_action=dict(type='int', num_actions=15),
continous_action=dict(type='float', shape=()),
will lead to the agent outputting the following action dict (example action):
actions = agent.act(states=state)
>>> print actions
>>> dict(discrete_action=3, continuous_action=0.332)
In the case of multiple actions, the values will be arrays. It is a good idea to use expressive action names within your application to keep track of each action and its purpose.
There are scenarios where you might want to initialize the model or parts of the model with values learnt from training on another task or completely outside of the Tensorforce framework. Here is a simple recipe of how to do this:
You need to define the component of the model that you want to save or restore as
. The example below adds theSavableComponent
mixin toLayeredNetwork
so that the network component can be saved and restored independently.from tensorforce.util import SavableComponent from tensorforce.core.networks import LayeredNetwork class SavableNetwork(LayeredNetwork, SavableComponent): """ Minimal implementation of a Network that can be saved and restored independently of the Model. """ def get_savable_variables(self): return super(SavableNetwork, self).get_variables(include_nontrainable=False) def _get_base_variable_scope(self): return self.apply.variable_scope_name
Specify the savable components in your agent's definition:
from tensorforce.agents import PPOAgent agent = PPOAgent( update_mode=dict(...), memory=dict(...), step_optimizer=dict(...), states=..., actions=..., network=dict( # The type we defined above type=SavableNetwork, layers=[...] ) )
You can utilize the model's
methods to save or restore the parameters of the individual components. Following the example you can restore the network values right after the agent is initialized like this:agent.model.restore_component( component_name="network", save_path=... )
Note the use of
as the component's name. You can also use the constants defined by the specific model implementation for instance:agent.model.COMPONENT_NETWORK
Note on variable names
If you plan to use parameters trained and saved outside Tensorforce you need to make sure that the
variables are saved with names that match the names used by Tensorforce. For instance:
layer = tf.layers.Dense(units=output_size)
# Train the network
# Save the parameters
var_map = {
"dense0/apply/linear/apply/W:0": layer.kernel,
"dense0/apply/linear/apply/b:0": layer.bias
saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=var_map), write_meta_graph=False, save_path=save_path)