The config file contains all the hyperparameters and various settings regarding your training runs. I'll break down the numerous settings here as clearly as possible.
data_root: ./data/ # Where you have extracted the google speech commands v2 dataset.
train_list_file: ./data/training_list.txt # Contains paths to your training .wav files.
val_list_file: ./data/validation_list.txt # Contains paths to your validation .wav files.
test_list_file: ./data/testing_list.txt # Contains paths to your test .wav files.
label_map: ./data/label_map.json # A json file containing {id: label} key value pairs.
# The above four files can be generated by
wandb: False # Whether to use wandb or not
wandb_api_key: <path/to/api/key> # Path to your key. Ignored if wandb is False.
proj_name: torch-kwt # Name of your wandb project. Ignored if wandb is False.
exp_dir: ./runs # Your checkpoints will be saved locally at exp_dir/exp_name
exp_name: exp-0 # ..for example, ./runs/exp-0/something.pth
device: auto # "auto" checks whether cuda is available; if not, uses cpu. You can also put in "cpu" or "cuda" as device.
# only single device training is supported currently.
log_freq: 5 # Saves logs every log_freq steps
log_to_file: True # Saves logs to exp_dir/exp_name/training_logs.txt
log_to_stdout: True # Prints logs to stdout
val_freq: 1 # Validate every val_freq epochs
n_workers: 1 # Number of workers for dataloader
pin_memory: True # Pin memory argument for dataloader
cache: 2 # 0 -> no cache | 1 -> cache wav arrays | 2 -> cache MFCCs (and also prevents wav augmentations like time_shift,
# resampling and add_background_noise)
hparams: # everything nested under hparams are hyperparamters, and will be logged as wandb hparams as well.
seed: 0 # Random seed for determinism
batch_size: 16 # Batch size
n_epochs: 10 # How many epochs will be trained. (1 epoch = (len(dataset) / batch_size) steps)
l_smooth: 0.1 # If a positive float, uses LabelSmoothingLoss instead of the vanilla CrossEntropyLoss
sr: 16000 # sampling rate
n_mels: 40 # number of mel bands for melspectrogram (and MFCC)
n_fft: 480 # n_fft, window length, hop length, center are also all args for calculating the melspectrogram.
win_length: 480 # Check the docs here for further explanation:
hop_length: 160 #
center: False # MFCC conversion is currently done on CPU with librosa. May add in a CUDA MFCC conversion later (with nnAudio)
name: kwt-1 # If name is provided, will look for named model (e.g. kwt-1, kwt-2, kwt-3) and will ignore below parameters.
input_res: [98, 40] # Shape of input spectrogram (T x n_mels)
patch_res: [40, 1] # Resolution of patches
num_classes: 35 # Number of classes
mlp_dim: 768 # mlp_dim, dim, heads, depth are all parameters which construct the model.
dim: 192 # You may refer to the original paper and change these around to form KWT-1, KWT-2 and KWT-3. The settings to
heads: 3 # the left are for KWT-3, for example.
depth: 12 #
dropout: 0.0 # The paper uses a dropout of 0, but you may try increasing this.
emb_dropout: 0.1 # The paper doesn't say anything about embedding dropout, but ViT uses 0.1 by default.
pre_norm: False # Prenorm or Postnorm transformer. The paper says that it uses Postnorm transformers, so that's the default.
optimizer: # AdamW with an lr of 0.001 and weight decay of 0.1, as in the original paper.
opt_type: adamw # Please modify get_optimizer() in utils/ if you want to add support for more optimizer variants.
lr: 0.001
weight_decay: 0.1
scheduler: # Warmup scheduling for 10 epochs and cosine annealing, as in the original paper.
n_warmup: 10 # Please modify get_scheduler() in utils/ if you want to add support for other scheduling techniques.
max_epochs: 140 # Up to which epoch the normal scheduler will be run.
scheduler_type: cosine_annealing
augment: # Augmentations are applied only during training
resample: # Randomly resamples between 85% and 115%
r_min: 0.85
r_max: 1.15
time_shift: # Randomly shifts samples left or right, up to 10%
s_min: -0.1
s_max: 0.1
bg_noise: # Adds background noise from a folder containing noise files. Make sure folder only contains .wav files
# (the default noise folder in the speech commands v2 dataset contains a .md file)
bg_folder: ./data/_background_noise_/
spec_aug: # Spectral augmentation. SpecAug is applied on the CPU currently, with a numba JIT compiled function. May provide a
# CUDA SpecAug later.
n_time_masks: 2
time_mask_width: 25
n_freq_masks: 2
freq_mask_width: 7