We provide the configuration files used during the experiments. The properties in the .yml
files are:
tokenizer_type: wordpiece # wordpiece, sentencepiece-unigram or sentencepiece-bpe
tokenizer: # constructor arguments for the tokenizer
vocab: ./wordpiece/mbert_vocab.txt
lowercase: false
strip_accents: false
clean_text: false
vocab_path: ./vocab.npy # path of the cached vocab hashes
dataset_type: mtop # mtop, matis or imdb
dataset_path: ./mtop # root path of the dataset
labels: ./labels/mtop_labels.txt # path to a file containing all labels OR list of all labels
tensorboard_path: ./logs/ # path where the tensorboard logs and checkponts will be stored
log_interval_steps: 10 # training step logging interval
epochs: 50 # number of epochs to run
train_batch_size: 256 # batch size during training
test_batch_size: 256 # batch size during testing
num_workers: 32 # number of workers to use for the dataloader
max_seq_len: &max_seq_len 64 # maximum sequence length of the model
lr: 5e-4
betas: [0.9, 0.999]
eps: 1e-8
model: # model hyperparameters
num_hashes: 64
feature_size: &feature_size 1024
window_size: &window_size 0
window_size: *window_size
feature_size: *feature_size
hidden_dim: &hidden_dim 64
num_mixers: 2
max_seq_len: *max_seq_len
hidden_dim: *hidden_dim
mlp_hidden_dim: 256
hidden_dim: *hidden_dim
num_classes: 151