Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is the process of reading the characters on the plate with various optical character recognition (OCR) methods by separating the plate region on the vehicle image obtained from automatic plate recognition.
This repository forks the Automatic_Number_Plate_Recognition_YOLO_OCR one by mftnakrsu to extract the license plate detection methods and create a microservices deployable as Docker containers.
Build the image using the Docker command.
docker build -t lcarnevale/platedetection .
Alternativelly, use the script.
chmod +x
Run the image as following.
docker run -d --name platedetection \
-v /var/log/platedetection:/opt/app/log \
-v ~/static-files:/opt/app/static-files \
Alternativelly, use the script.
chmod +x
The filename is custom and it can be modified in the configuration file.
tail -f /var/log/lcarnevale/license-plate-detection.log