This is a school project which is written mainly to test out the AI algorithms. This chess bot uses a decision-tree solution with min-max and alpha-beta pruning algorithm.
To run the program you need to have PyGame installed. To install PyGame run:
python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user
The program also uses a python chess library for board representation and move validation. To install python-chess run:
pip3 install python-chess
To run the program navigate to the repo and do:
At the start of the program you will get a few options in the terminal where you can chose between:
- player vs AI
- AI vs AI
- player vs player
To chose a mode you have to write the corresponding number in the terminal.
To move a piece, click chosen piece and then click the square you want to move the piece to. If it is not a legal move, it will be ignored and you'll have to try again.