This work is a built up on the project done by simon
Encrypts files with a password byte-by-byte using a XOR cipher.
- Added Reversing the File as a block: File is broken into blocks of size given by the user and the block is reversed and replaced.
- This Prevents decryption by bruteforcing the Password
Decryption is the same process,
only the password used to encrypt will decrypt the file.
$ gcc enc.c -o xore #Just encrypting engine
$ gcc dec.c -o xord #Just decrypting engine
$ gcc both.c -o xorb #This alone is enough
$ ./xorb <mode[-e or -d]> <filename> <password> <reversing block size[<16]>
$ ./xorb -e auckland.jpg password1 13 #OR
$ ./xore auckland.jpg passwdd123 13
will produce rauckland.jpg
file, to decrypt:
$ ./xorb -d rauckland.jpg password1 13 #OR
$ ./xord rauckland.jpg passwdd123 13
will be identical to the original
The Hash of auckland.jpg and rrauckland.jpg is same
- JCtine - ZeroX29a
- simon - mightbesimon
- these are just my sample codes, if you misuse them its not my problem