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Interceptors Tutorial

This tutorial provides an introduction to interceptors in gRPC Swift. It assumes you are familiar with gRPC Swift (if you aren't, try the quick-start guide or basic tutorial first).

What are Interceptors?

Interceptors are a mechanism which allows users to, as the name suggests, intercept the request and response streams of RPCs. They may be used on the client and the server, and any number of interceptors may be used for a single RPC. They are often used to provide cross-cutting functionality such as logging, metrics, and authentication.

Interceptor API

Interceptors are created by implementing a subclass of ClientInterceptor or ServerInterceptor depending on which peer the interceptor is intended for. Each type is interceptor base class is generic over the request and response type for the RPC: ClientInterceptor<Request, Response> and ServerInterceptor<Request, Response>.

The API for the client and server interceptors are broadly similar (with differences in the message types on the stream). Each offer send(_:promise:context:) and receive(_:context:) functions where the provided context (ClientInterceptorContext<Request, Response> and ServerInterceptorContext<Request, Response> respectively) exposes methods for calling the next interceptor once the message part has been handled.

Each context type also provides the EventLoop that the RPC is being invoked on and some additional information, such as the type of the RPC (unary, client-streaming, etc.) the path (e.g. "/echo.Echo/Get"), and a logger.

Defining an interceptor

This tutorial builds on top of the Echo example.

As described above, interceptors are created by subclassing ClientInterceptor or ServerInterceptor. For the sake of brevity we will only cover creating our own ClientInterceptor which prints events as they happen.

First we create our interceptor class, for the Echo service all RPCs have the same request and response type so we'll use these types concretely here. An interceptor may of course remain generic over the request and response types.

class LoggingEchoClientInterceptor: ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse> {
  // ...

Note that the default behavior of every interceptor method is a no-op; it will just pass the unmodified part to the next interceptor by invoking the appropriate method on the context.

Let's look at intercepting the request stream by overriding send:

override func send(
  _ part: GRPCClientRequestPart<Echo_EchoRequest>,
  promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?,
  context: ClientInterceptorContext<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>
) {
  // ...

send is called with a request part generic over the request type for the RPC (for a sever interceptor this would be a response part generic over the response type), an optional EventLoopPromise<Void> promise which will be completed when the request has been written to the network, and a ClientInterceptorContext.

The GRPCClientRequestPart<Request> enum has three cases:

  • metadata(HPACKHeaders): the user-provided request headers which are sent at the start of each RPC. The headers will be augmented with transport and protocol specific headers once the request part reaches the transport.
  • message(Request, MessageMetadata): a request message and associated metadata (such as whether the message should be compressed and whether to flush the transport after writing the message). For unary and server-streaming RPCs we expect exactly one message, for client-streaming and bidirectional-streaming RPCs any number of messages (including zero) is permitted.
  • end: the end of the request stream which must be sent exactly once as the final part on the stream, after which no more request parts may be sent.

Below demonstrates how one could log information about a request stream using an interceptor, after which we use the context to forward the request part and promise to the next interceptor:

class LoggingEchoClientInterceptor: ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse> {
  override func send(
    _ part: GRPCClientRequestPart<Echo_EchoRequest>,
    promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?,
    context: ClientInterceptorContext<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>
  ) {
    switch part {
    case let .metadata(headers):
      print("> Starting '\(context.path)' RPC, headers: \(headers)")

    case let .message(request, _):
      print("> Sending request with text '\(request.text)'")

    case .end:
      print("> Closing request stream")

    // Forward the request part to the next interceptor.
    context.send(part, promise: promise)

  // ...

Now let's look at the response stream by intercepting receive:

override func receive(
  _ part: GRPCClientResponsePart<Echo_EchoResponse>,
  context: ClientInterceptorContext<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>
) {
  // ...

receive is called with a response part generic over the response type for the RPC and the same ClientInterceptorContext as used in send. The response parts are also similar:

The GRPCClientResponsePart<Response> enum has three cases:

  • metadata(HPACKHeaders): the response headers returned from the server. We expect these at the start of a response stream, however it is also valid to see no metadata parts on the response stream if the server fails the RPC immediately (in which case we will just see the end part).
  • message(Response): a response message received from the server. For unary and client-streaming RPCs at most one message is expected (but not required). For server-streaming and bidirectional-streaming any number of messages (including zero) is permitted.
  • end(GRPCStatus, HPACKHeaders): the end of the response stream (and by extension, request stream) containing the RPC status (why the RPC ended) and any trailers returned by the server. We expect one end part per RPC, after which no more response parts may be received and no more request parts will be sent.

The code for receiving is similar to that for sending:

class LoggingEchoClientInterceptor: ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse> {
  // ...

  override func receive(
    _ part: GRPCClientResponsePart<Echo_EchoResponse>,
    context: ClientInterceptorContext<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>
  ) {
    switch part {
    case let .metadata(headers):
      print("< Received headers: \(headers)")

    case let .message(response):
      print("< Received response with text '\(response.text)'")

    case let .end(status, trailers):
      print("< Response stream closed with status: '\(status)' and trailers: \(trailers)")

    // Forward the response part to the next interceptor.

In this example the implementations of send and receive directly forward the request and response parts to the next interceptor. This is not a requirement: implementations are free to drop, delay or redirect parts as necessary, context.send(_:promise:) may be called in receive(_:context:) and context.receive(_:) may be called in send(_:promise:context:). A server interceptor which validates an authorization header, for example, may immediately send back an end when receiving request headers lacking a valid authorization header.

Using interceptors

Interceptors are provided to a generated client or service provider via an implementation of generated factory protocol. For our echo example this will be Echo_EchoClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol for the client and Echo_EchoServerInterceptorFactoryProtocol for the server.

Each protocol has one method per RPC which returns an array of appropriately typed interceptors to use when intercepting that RPC. Factory methods are called at the start of each RPC.

It's important to note the order in which the interceptors are called. For the client the array of interceptors should be in 'outbound' order, that is, when sending a request part the first interceptor to be called is the first in the array. When the client receives a response part from the server the last interceptor in the array will receive that part first.

For server factories the order is reversed: when receiving a request part the first interceptor in the array will be called first, when sending a response part the last interceptor in the array will be called first.

Implementing a factory is straightforward, in our case the Echo service has four RPCs, all of which return the LoggingEchoClientInterceptor we defined above.

class ExampleClientInterceptorFactory: Echo_EchoClientInterceptorFactoryProtocol {
  // Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Get' RPC.
  func makeGetInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
    return [LoggingEchoClientInterceptor()]

  // Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Expand' RPC.
  func makeExpandInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
    return [LoggingEchoClientInterceptor()]

  // Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Collect' RPC.
  func makeCollectInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
    return [LoggingEchoClientInterceptor()]

  // Returns an array of interceptors to use for the 'Update' RPC.
  func makeUpdateInterceptors() -> [ClientInterceptor<Echo_EchoRequest, Echo_EchoResponse>] {
    return [LoggingEchoClientInterceptor()]

An interceptor factory may be passed to the generated client on initialization:

let echo = Echo_EchoClient(channel: channel, interceptors: ExampleClientInterceptorFactory())

For the server, providing an (optional) interceptor factory is a requirement of the generated service provider protocol and is left to the implementation of the provider:

protocol Echo_EchoProvider: CallHandlerProvider {
  var interceptors: Echo_EchoServerInterceptorFactoryProtocol? { get }

  // ...

Running the example

The code listed above is available in the Echo example. To run it, from the root of your gRPC-Swift checkout start the Echo server on a free port by running:

$ swift run Echo server
starting insecure server

In another terminal run the client without the interceptors with:

$ swift run Echo client "Hello"
get receieved: Swift echo get: Hello
get completed with status: ok (0)

This calls the unary "Get" RPC and prints the response and status from the RPC. Let's run it with our interceptor enabled by adding the --intercept flag:

$ swift run Echo client --intercept "Hello"
> Starting '/echo.Echo/Get' RPC, headers: []
> Sending request with text 'Hello'
> Closing request stream
< Received headers: [':status': '200', 'content-type': 'application/grpc']
< Received response with text 'Swift echo get: Hello'
get receieved: Swift echo get: Hello
< Response stream closed with status: 'ok (0): OK' and trailers: ['grpc-status': '0', 'grpc-message': 'OK']
get completed with status: ok (0)

Now we see the output from the logging interceptor: we invoke an RPC to 'Get' on the 'echo.Echo' service followed by the request with the text we provided and the end of the request stream. Then we see response parts from the server, the headers at the start of the response stream: a 200-OK status and the gRPC content-type header, followed by the response and the end of response stream and trailers.

A note on thread safety

It is important to note that interceptor functions are invoked on the EventLoop provided by the context and that implementations must respect this by invoking methods on the context from that EventLoop.