Create an HTML with 3 div . Provide colors: red, green and blue to all three division. Provide some height so that DIVs are visible
** Make an HTML form with Name, password, email, mobile number, country selection, gender selection, suggestion ( textarea ) and submit button. Put submit button labeled as "Sign Up".
Create a Video section with any dummy video on your desktop.
Create an audio section with any audio you have on your desktop.
Create an HTML with a Background image and text over the Image - Text should be center aligned. Like a Facebook quote with a background.
Create a HTML with a image - Image should fit into 200px X 200px area. And this image should be aligned to the center of the page horizontally.
Create 2 CSS classes - one to created rounded corners of images and other to center align the image. Please use both classes to make center aligned rounded-image
** Please use bootstrap to create 4 equal DIVs with background css classes - red, green, blue and yellow. These classes will provide the same background-color as the name suggests and provide visible font-color in all divs.
Use animate.css Library to create an animated Image with shaky shaky effect whenever loaded.
Create Round button using CSS.
Create responsive site which has 6 divs in a line in large display and only 2 products in a line in small screen display.
** Create chat bubble styled div for which should align to left side of screen. Also make similar chat bubble to align to right side of screen. Please take care that bubbles should not be in same line.
Create a textbox/textarea which aligns to bottom on page.
** Create a square box with equal width and height. Create a light colored background on the square. Create a Tic-Tac-Toe board with the boxes of 3 x 3 format.