- Extend the Simple E-Commerce style product page ( As given in class ):
- Make Home, Cart and Contact Us pages using Angular Routing.
- partials should be kept in a different folder.
- Every partial should use the different controller.
- In Previous application use parameterized routing to change categories.
- On click of a category pass the catgeory as route Params.
- Use same controller to load different product data for each of categories.
- In Previous application use parameterized routing to open detailed product page.
- On click of a product open prouct page.
- Product controller should be a separate controller.,
- Create a button to add product to the Cart.
- Create a cart style table for displaying product added to the cart.
- Cart should be a different controller and should use a service to share data.
- Products can be removed from cart page.
- Quantity of products can be changed from Cart Page.
- Cart must show subtotal of each Item and Grand Total of all items.
- You should not loose items add to Cart by going back to product page.