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327 lines (206 loc) · 8.04 KB

File metadata and controls

327 lines (206 loc) · 8.04 KB

vtreat 1.6.5 2024/06/12

  • try to lower dependencies to avoid lme4 2024-06-17 removal threat

vtreat 1.6.4 2023/08/19

vtreat 1.6.3 2021/06/11

  • Fix some links.
  • Remove LazyData decl.

vtreat 1.6.2 2020/10/17

  • Move to tinytest

vtreat 1.6.1 2020/08/12

  • Documentation improvements.

vtreat 1.6.0 2020/03/10

  • More S3 methods.
  • Back-port pyvtreat recommendation code to Rvtreat.

vtreat 1.5.2 2020/02/08

  • Control imputation on design_missingness_treatment.
  • Share cross-splits in multinomial mode to minimize data leakage.
  • Earlier argument checking.
  • Default classification target to TRUE.
  • Some documentation improvements.
  • Move wrapr to Depends.

vtreat 1.5.1 2020/01/16

  • Check for same-frame on prepare paths.
  • Pipe into ft.
  • Rename multinomial arguments to match other methods.
  • Move parallel to a suggestion and configure a global option to shut it down ( vtreat.allow_parallel ).

vtreat 1.5.0 2020/01/07

  • Fix multinomial variable restriction.
  • Fix FT multinomial columns copy.
  • Work on ft serialization environments.
  • More tests.
  • Improve custom coder flexibility.

vtreat 1.4.8 2019/12/08

  • Center/scale improvement from nfultz.
  • Documentation updates.
  • fit_tranform interface.

vtreat 1.4.7 2019/10/01

  • fix wrong y-name in multinomial cross frame.

vtreat 1.4.6 2019/09/23

  • Some doc updates.

vtreat 1.4.5 2019/09/11

  • Some doc updates.

vtreat 1.4.4 2019/07/27

  • Adjust license to GPL-2 | GPL-3
  • Some doc updates.

vtreat 1.4.3 2019/07/16

  • Fix bug in custom coder NA path and let numeric coder center if wanted.
  • More tests.

vtreat 1.4.2 2019/07/01

  • Fix eronious Cohen reference in documentation.

vtreat 1.4.0 2019/05/05

  • Fancy level and variable names.
  • More tests on odd level names (and collisions).

vtreat 1.3.8 2019/03/31

  • Remove spline from default value variables.
  • Fix ggplot2 vignette dependence issue.
  • Make treatment plans pipeable targets.

vtreat 1.3.7 2019/02/20

  • Fix design_missingness_treatment() prepare.
  • Move to wrapr test runner.

vtreat 1.3.6 2019/02/09

  • Add patch_columns_into_frame().
  • Fix column name munging.
  • Start switching to RUnit tests.

vtreat 1.3.5 2019/01/27

  • Make categorical scoring default TRUE.
  • logit-ize custom coders.
  • spline custom coder.
  • Get stricter about row ordering in building custom coders.
  • neaten up printing a bit.
  • Collar spline and lower its complexity.

vtreat 1.3.4 2019/01/02

  • Accept pre-built approximation tables from numeric custom coders.
  • Fix .customCodeNum() extrapolation, down-sampling, and remote numeric ".center" option.
  • More docs.

vtreat 1.3.3 2018/12/17

  • remove _clean suffix.
  • Fix non-scalar comparisions (mostly form class vectors).
  • add segmented variable calculation.
  • add pre-computed split plan.
  • bump dependencies.
  • Example higher order coders.

vtreat 1.3.2 2018/11/05

  • force parent.frame
  • add a drop columns option to design_missingness_treatment()
  • Doc fixes

vtreat 1.3.1 2018/09/10

  • Fix variable naming in multi class case.
  • Some doc fixes.
  • Start on NaN and Infinity on databases.
  • More tests.

vtreat 1.3.0 2018/07/20

  • Fix z-split annotation issue.
  • Change designTreatmentsZ() defaults.
  • Documentation fixes.
  • Multiclass treatments.
  • Simple treatments.
  • Fix CRAN Note on pre 3.5.0 R parallel usage.

vtreat 1.2.3 2018/07/11

  • Smooth catP novel levels scoring a bit.
  • Fix check error on parallel::getDefaultCluster()

vtreat 1.2.2 2018/07/04

  • Fix issue 19.
  • Do not use NULL to signal when parallelism is desired.

vtreat 1.2.1 2018/06/26

  • default data.table merging on (may be a performance regression to not set this).
  • rqdatatable treatment path.
  • better formatting.
  • add extracols argument to prepare().
  • Improve regexps.

vtreat 1.2.0 2018/06/19

  • Translate treatment plans to rquery.
  • Minor documentation improvements.
  • Improve error messages on argument checking.
  • Improve name generation (remove dots).
  • Remove dplyr dependence.

vtreat 1.0.4 2018/05/05

  • Add data.table as an optional row-binder.
  • Declare an R version.

vtreat 1.0.3 2018/03/10

  • parallel indicator calculation.
  • add optional warning on encountering novel levels in prepare.

vtreat 1.0.2 2018/01/20

  • bind options.
  • fix deps.
  • restore parallel test.
  • kWayStratifiedY performance fix from @khotilov Vadim Khotilovich.

vtreat 1.0.1 2017/10/16

  • Minor documentation fixes.
  • rm data.table (possibly related to issues 2413 or 2418).

vtreat 1.0.0 2017/10/04

  • Minor documentation fixes.
  • More work on novel values for non-centered custom coders.
  • Numeric custom coders.
  • Isotone examples.

vtreat 0.6.0 2017/09/20

  • Add codeRestriction option to design steps.
  • Prepare for custom models.
  • Prefer data.table::rbindlist() for assembling frames.
  • Add forceSplit mode.

vtreat 0.5.32 2017/06/13

  • Add codeRestriction option to prepare().

vtreat 0.5.31 2017/04/13

  • make prueSig an optional argument in prepare, and force by-name access.
  • Remove left.op=TRUE from findInterval in "vtreat Rare Levels" vignette (seems to be a new addition to findInterval, so fails CRAN check r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64).

vtreat 0.5.30 2017/01/21

  • General improvements in documentation and vignettes.
  • Document saving/loading treatment plans.

vtreat 0.5.29 2016/10/27

  • Add 'rsq' column to scoreFrame (rsq- for numeric targets, pseudo-rsq for categorical targets).

vtreat 0.5.28 2016/10/24

  • Fix treatment of constant columns in cross-partitions.
  • Switch doCollar default to FALSE.
  • Return indicators on designTreatmentsZ.
  • Fix extraDegreesOfFreedom calculation.
  • Allow repeated application rows in cross frames.
  • Remove lsig and csig from scoreFrame.
  • Add meanY to treatmentplan.
  • Documentation fixes.

vtreat 0.5.27 2016/08/16


  • Change catB variables to delta-logit score.
  • Fix passing of arguments to parallel prepare, and reduce size of data passed.
  • Ensure set of variables consistency in mkCross* methods.
  • More parallelization of level significance calculations, and cheaper chi-square test where appropriate.

vtreat 0.5.26 2016/07/10

  • Facilities for y-stratified and grouped splitting (useful for unbalanced classes).
  • catScaling=TRUE mode uses logistic regression for y-aware variable scaling.
  • Fix erroneous bad type warning on date columns.

vtreat 0.5.25 2016/05/02

  • Fix bug that caused catB variables to be scored as "insignificant".
  • Add test to check for above bug.
  • Expose cross validation controls.
  • More guards on significance calculations.

vtreat 0.5.23 2016/04/28

  • Fix issue of non-significant variables not being scaled.
  • Documentation fixes, document variable types, improve vignettes.
  • Minor performance fixes on result accumulation.
  • Add optional use of dplyr for row binding (of score report frames).

vtreat 0.5.22 2016/01/07

  • Calculations of non catX significances are now deterministic
  • Catch mis-naming or non-varying y earlier
  • Expose buildEvalSets as a public function
  • More tests

vtreat 0.5.21 2015/11/23

  • Isolated "cross" or "out of sample" frame generation into mkCrossFrameCExperiment() and mkCrossFrameNExperiment()
  • Many small bug fixes and corner cases patched

vtreat 0.5.20 2015/11/05

  • Simplified out of sample frame generation
  • Added "no-Y" treatment option
  • Minor documentation fixes

vtreat 0.5.18 2015/10/07

  • Fixed bugs in cross-validated mode
  • Force out of sample calculations in more situations
  • Fix vignette titles
  • Fix documentation
  • Do not allow small or insufficiently varying data frames (exact conditions in documentation)

vtreat 0.5.16 2015/09/12

  • Unified rare level treatment
  • Separate treatment of insignificant levels
  • Tests confirming compatibility with 'data.table'
  • More special case hardening
  • Over-fit vignette
  • Minor documentation fixes

vtreat 0.5.14 2015/09/06

  • First CRAN release