HumanData is a subclass of python built-in class dict, with several small dicts as its keys. It is designed to support Multi-Human, Temporal data in Camera Space.
HumanData = dict(np.load('path/to/humandata.npz', allow_pickle=True))
OR (to be implemented)
From ... import HumanData
HumanData = HumanData.from_npz('path/to/humandata.npz')
Keys include:
'dataset': Name of dataset, string, see Supported List.
'subset': Name of subset, string, including
['train', 'val', 'test']
and other dataset-specific subsets. -
'date': Date of HumanData creation
'slice_number': Number of slices of HumanData, if a dataset is very large and needs to be split into smaller parts. If not applicable, set to
. -
'slice_id': Slice id of HumanData file.
'version': Version of HumanData, see version changes in Change Log.
Defines the annotations included in this HumanData, keys include, if any key is not applicable, set to None
'path': list, recording what path is included, should be a sublist of ['image', 'depth', 'pointcloud', etc.]
'model': string, should be one of ['smpl', 'smplx']
'keypoint': list, recording what keypoints are included, should be a sublist of ['2d', '3d', '2d_smplx', '3d_smplx', '2d_smpl', '3d_smpl'], each element have its corresponding mask.
'bbox': list, recording what bounding box is included, should be a sublist of ['body', 'head', 'left_hand', 'right_hand']
'camera': list, recording what camera information is included, should be a sublist of ['intrinsics', 'extrinsics']
'temporal': list, recording what temporal information is included, should be a sublist of ['frame_id', 'track_id', 'camera_view', 'sequence_name']
'specific': list, recording what dataset-specific information is included, should be a list.
Align with HumanData['config']['path']
, for example
- 'image': list of image path, real image path should be
os.path.join('<your dataset base dir>', HumanData['metadata']['dataset'], HumanData['path']['image'][0])
A dict, which name aligns with config, in one of the following format:
- 'smpl':
HumanData['smpl'] = { 'body_pose': (N, 69), 'betas': (N, 10), 'global_orient': (N, 3), 'transl': (N, 3)}
- 'smplx':
HumanData['smplx'] = { 'betas': (N, 10), 'transl': (N, 3), 'global_orient': (N, 3), 'body_pose': (N, 21, 3), 'left_hand_pose': (N, 15, 3), 'right_hand_pose': (N, 15, 3), 'leye_pose'*: (N, 3), 'reye_pose'*: (N, 3), 'jaw_pose'*: (N, 3), 'expression'*: (N, 10)}
Some dataset with smplx annotations may not have all the keys, possible missing keys are marked with *
Depending on the dataset, can include several keypoints, where K is the number of keypoints, and the last element of 3d keypoints is the confidence score.
- '2d': (N, K, 3)
- '2d_convention': string, the name of keypoints convention
- '3d': (N, K, 4)
- '3d_convention': string, the name of keypoints convention
- '2d_smpl': (N, 45, 3)
- '3d_smpl': (N, 45, 4)
- '2d_smplx': (N, 144, 3)
- '3d_smplx': (N, 144, 4)
All bounding box should be in format of (N, 5), with the first 4 elements as [x1, y1, w, h], and the last element as the confidence score.
- 'body'
- 'head'
- 'left_hand'
- 'right_hand'
Camera follows opencv format, with the following keys:
- 'intrinsics': (N, 3, 3)
- 'extrinsics': (N, 4, 4)
- 'width': (N, 1), image width
- 'height': (N, 1), image height
Track id will be same across different camera views.
- 'frame_id': (N, 1)
- 'track_id': (N, 1)
- 'camera_view': (N, 1)
- 'sequence_name': (N, 1)
Keys align with HumanData['config']['specific']
, each key is a string (0-1 mask), with keys align with the corresponding config.