This application shows an implementation of a fictitious airline called "Acme Air".
- acmeair-common: The Java entities used throughout the application
- acmeair-services: The Java data services interface definitions
- acmeair-service-jpa: JPA-based data service implementations
- acmeair-webapp: The Web 2.0 application and associated Java REST services
- acmeair-itests: Integration tests for the application
The sample can be build using Apache Maven.
$ mvn install
The integration tests are executed against the AcmeAir application running in a Liberty profile server. The project uses Liberty Maven Plug-in to automatically download, install, and configure the Liberty profile runtime for the tests.
$ mvn install -Prun-its
Click the button below to deploy your own copy of this application to Bluemix. Once the application is deployed, visit http://<yourAppName> first to preload the database with sample data.