An Ado.NET Windows Forms Application that Performs CRUD(Create,Read,Update,Delete).
To Begin
- Simply Create a Databse in Microsoft SQL Server Management.
- After Creating a database with any name then Create a Table in that database and add 5 columns in that table. (id[pkey,int],Name[varchar],Class[smallint],Section[varchar],Percentage[smallint],Gender[varchar])
- Insert values of your choice.
- In Databse Connection refer Form.cs file.
- Connection string = "@Data Source = [ServerName]; Initial Catalog = [DatabseName]; Integrated Security = True;"
- Run the project in Visual Studio
- C(Create)
- R(Read)
- U(Update)
- D(Delete)
Fetching Values from Database after Clicking VIEW(R) button on DataGridView
Adding Values in the textbar input fields(C). After clicking on ADD button values will be added to the Database also.
Shows a Message after successfully Inserting a value (MessageBox).
Can be seen the values is showing and added to the Database also.
Performing Delete(D) Operation by clicking on DELETE buttton.
Performing Update(U) Opertation by Double Clicking any specific row the values will automatically fetched into all textbox fields.