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This is the repository for all code used in the analysis of the GBS dataset used in the comparison between rabbits from the 1996 (n = 59) and 2012 (n = 53) populations from the Gum Creek / Oraparrina region of South Australia.
In addition, some samples from a previous analysis of the Turretfield rabbit population, sampled in 2010 were included as an outgroup.
All bash scripts are available in the folder scripts with four main process being undertaken: 1) Demultiplexing; 2) Read Trimming; 3) Read Alignment, and 4) Running the Stacks Pipeline
The bulk of the data analysis was performed in R with code available in the following locations:
- Checking the results of Demultiplexing
- Checking the quality of alignments
- Filtering of SNPs
- Analysis of filtered SNPs
- Assessment of linkage
- Simulation of Genetic Drift
In addition, a supplementary analysis was performed using the FLK algorithm, however these results were not included in the submitted paper.