Releases: UniversitaDellaCalabria/uniTicket
- feat: default template to extend now defined in settings (DEFAULT_BASE_TEMPLATE, default="'bootstrap-italia-base.html'");
- feat: unpublished elements remain active (is_active=True);
- fix: exclude csrfmiddlewaretoken in new ticket form data;
- fix: Bandit error in CI with Python 3.7 (PyCQA/bandit#951);
- fix: bugs.
fix: requirements and base template
feat: 'managed_by_me' flag in ticket messages list;
fix: bug in printable version
- fix missing import in settings;
- fis url path_name collision;
- added notification ticket flag in manager dashboard.
fix: bug in input module preview
fix: category conditions attachments path
fix: session cookie secure
fix: bugs
update requirements
increase first_name/last_name length
every office operator can serve users in chat
fix chat operator role
README - demo setup
chat ca be disabled now
django chat app is finally not mandatory
settings and example data
fix ticket code in datatable
local login fix
login/logout urls improved
fix local logout return
fix urls in tests.settings
generic brand
optimize models.TicketAssignment methods
unread messages count in all tickets view
fix chat
more optimization on query
messages list query optimized
fix datatable ticket_code as list for CSV export
CSV export new fields
settings example and project with spid_oidc_rp
fix: indent in method params
fix: some security warning
fix: intercooler js upgraded to v1.2.3
fix: datatables.js upgraded to v1.10.24
fix: requirements.txt to reduce vulnerabilities …
fix: javascript security alerts
fix: datatables css
upgrade [email protected] in requirements.txt
fix: move ipython from requirements to requirements-dev
fix: upgrade requirements and settings
fix: chat ws path with asgi v3
fix: requirements security upgrades
fix: requirements min working versions
fix: chat app.js target
fix: django-wkhtmltopdf/pdfkit/pypdf2 replaced from weasyprint
fix: pdf view on localhost and ASGI
fix: settingslocal.example
fix: increase matricola max_length in accounts
Added to Dockerfile a missing library and a missing base template file
fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities
fix: datatables max rows export
fix: owner user ticket closing alert
fix: return to buttons
feat: user can't open multiple same type tickets
feat: ticket can be cloned by user that compiled it
fix: text in template
- djangosaml2 and saml2 upgrade and fix;
- requirements updated
- Structure managers now can configure alerts for users opening new tickets