- Source of bash scripts: https://github.com/Jtrachsel/bash_fun
rename_contigs 27-433FED_pol.fna 27-433FED
rename_contigs() {
awk -v awkv="$BASE" '/^>/{print ">"awkv"_"++i;next}{print}' "$FILE" > "$BASE"_rename.fasta
rm $FILE
mv "$BASE"_rename.fasta $FILE
export -f rename_contigs
rename_contigs() {
awk -v basev="$BASE" #<=declare variable basev as $2
/^>/ #<=find a line that starts with >
print ">" basev "_" ++i #<=replace that line with >basev_i, where i is an index that increments each match. i can be called whatever, except certain restricted words (like index)
; #separates two commands
next #<=go to the next line, executes next iteration of loop
{print} #<=reproduces line it finds (only gets executed if line doesn't start with >)
"$FILE" #<=tells awk to operate on this file
> "$BASE"_rename.fasta #<=rename $FILE to $BASE_rename.fasta
rm $FILE #<=remove $FILE
mv "$BASE"_rename.fasta $FILE #<=move "$BASE"_rename.fasta to where $FILE was
export -f rename_contigs #<=execute this function in ~/.bashrc so you it will recognize and run rename_contigs in the future
for file in ./*.fna
file2=$(basename ${file} | sed 's/\.fna$//g' | sed -r 's/\_pol//g')
rename_contigs ${file} ${file2}
for file in ./*.fna #<= read one *.fna as 'file'
file2=$(basename ${file} | sed 's/\.fna$//g' | sed -r 's/\_pol//g') #<= basename removes "./", sed replaces .fna with nothing, then replaces _pol with nothing
rename_contigs ${file} ${file2} #<=run rename_contigs with file and file2
Example filename to model for-loop off of: 66-440RED_pol.fna
for each line in file { if (line starts with >) {print ">basev_index"; goto next item in for loop} print line #only gets executed if "if" statement fails }