In this resource , a step by step guide is provided along with the practice problems to become good at cp from a red coder himself.
GeeksForGeeks - Best place to find detailed notes on theoretical subjects including Database Management System, Data Structures, Data Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming, Operating Systems and many more.An all rounder website for placement preparation having company wise coding questions and MCQs.
InterviewBit - A great website to practice interview questions from top companies.
PrepInsta - It is great place to learn DSA through questions for interview preparation.
CareerCup - Good source for software engineering interview preparation.
CP-Algorithms - A good place to learn advanced data structures and algorithms for competitive programming.
USACO - A great place to start your competitive programming journey. Made by Legendary Grandmaster Benq
Kenkoooo Atcoder - Table which list all the problems of Atcoder along with mutlitple features. Limited to problems of Atcoder Only
Codeforces Problems - Similar to Kenkooo Atcoder table but it is only for the problems of the Codeforces CSES-Problem-set- A good place to find data-structure wise best problem for compititive programming.
Google CodeJam Archives - This website includes the questions asked in one of the most prestigious Competitive Programming Competition conducted by Google.
Codeforces-ladder- This is must practice side for codeforces to improve rating. it contain rating wise question. so it helps to improve your rating .
TopCoder Competitive Programming Tutorials - A list of best tutorials written by respected Topcoder members.
A Way to Practice Competitive Programming - This tutorial will help you get from Rating 1000 to 2400+ on Codeforces. It is written by Codeforces Grandmaster Masataka Yoneda.
MIT OpenCourseWare - This is a free and premium course to kickstart your Competitive Programming journey.
Errichto's Youtube Channel - Good video tutorials about competitive programming.
The Ultimate Topic List(with Resources, Problems and Templates) - This is a codeforces blog that contains many important competitive programming algorithms and realted problems.
Useful Blogs(Tutorials, Problems, Tricks and many more) - This is a codeforces blog that contains all the things for your need.
- Pramp - Here you can take free mock interviews based on data structures and algorithms, behavioural skills, product management and a lot more domains to explore.
StopStalk - Here you can track your progress accross various websites and compare it with your friends and professional competitive coders.
Codeforces Visualizer - Track your Codeforces progress
450 DSA Tracker - Track your progress of famous DSA sheet of 450 DSA Questions by Love Babbar
- SDE Sheet Covers all the important topics for placements(with solutions).
- Cheat_Sheet Covers some important problems
- must_do Here you can find some of the most frequent problems asked in interviews
- DSA Cracker Sheet Covers all the important questions from all the topics for beginner.
- Leetcode DSA SheetContains 250 questions on DSA for Coding Interviews
Crack_the_coding_interview An important book to up your interview skills
Narasimha Karumanchi - Data structures and algorithms made easy An important book to learn must needed algorithms for interviews
Competitive Programmer's Handbook An important book to improve competitive programming skills.
Introduction to Algorithms - CLRS It is a very useful book for Competitive Programming as well as for interview preparation.