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212 lines (171 loc) · 7.77 KB

File metadata and controls

212 lines (171 loc) · 7.77 KB


  1. The Sylius\RefundPlugin\Listener\ShipmentRefundedEventListener has been removed in favor of Sylius\RefundPlugin\Listener\UnitRefundedEventListener and the UnitRefundedEventListener listens now to all events implementing Sylius\RefundPlugin\Event\UnitRefundedInterface.

Backward compatible changes

All changes below are backward compatible, but we recommend upgrading to 1.4 as in the next major version we remove deprecated code:

  1. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Command\GenerateCreditMemo command has been changed:

        public function __construct(
            private string $orderNumber,
            private int $total,
    -       /** @var array|OrderItemUnitRefund[] */
    +       /** @var array|UnitRefundInterface[] */
            private array $units,
    -       /** @var array|ShipmentRefund[] */
    -       private array $shipments,      
            private string $comment,
        ) {
            // ...    

    and Sylius\RefundPlugin\Command\GenerateCreditMemo::shipments method has been removed.

  2. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Command\RefundUnits command has been changed:

        public function __construct(
            private string $orderNumber,
    -       /** @var array|OrderItemUnitRefund[] */
    +       /** @var array|UnitRefundInterface[] */
            private array $units,
    -       /** @var array|ShipmentRefund[] */
    -       private array $shipments,
    +       private int $paymentMethodId,
            private string $comment,
        ) {
            // ...

    and Sylius\RefundPlugin\Command\RefundUnits::shipments method has been removed.

  3. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\CommandHandler\RefundUnitsHandler has been changed:

        public function __construct(
    -       private RefunderInterface $orderUnitsRefunder,
    -       private RefunderInterface $orderShipmentsRefunder,
    +       private iterable $refunders,
            private MessageBusInterface $eventBus,
            private OrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository,
            private RefundUnitsCommandValidatorInterface $refundUnitsCommandValidator,
        ) {
            // ...
  4. The Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\LineItemsConverterInterface interface implemented by Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\OrderItemUnitLineItemsConverter and Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\ShipmentLineItemsConverter has been replaced with Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\LineItemsConverterUnitRefundAwareInterface.

  5. The interface method Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\RefundUnitsConverterInterface::convert has been changed:

    - public function convert(array $units, RefundTypeInterface $refundType, string $unitRefundClass): array;
    + public function convert(array $units, string $unitRefundClass): array;
  6. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Creator\RefundUnitsCommandCreator has been changed:

    -   public function __construct(private RefundUnitsConverterInterface $refundUnitsConverter)
    +   public function __construct(private RequestToRefundUnitsConverterInterface $requestToRefundUnitsConverter)
            // ...
  7. The Sylius\RefundPlugin\Creator\RefundUnitsCommandCreatorInterface interface has been replaced with Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\RequestCommandCreatorInterface.

  8. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Event\UnitsRefunded event has been changed:

        public function __construct(
            private string $orderNumber,
    +       /** @var array|UnitRefundInterface[] */
            private array $units,
    -       private array $shipments,
            private int $paymentMethodId,
            private int $amount,
            private string $currencyCode,
            private string $comment,
        ) {
            // ...

    and Sylius\RefundPlugin\Event\UnitsRefunded::shipments method has been removed.

  9. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Generator\CreditMemoGenerator has been changed:

        public function __construct(
            private LineItemsConverterInterface $lineItemsConverter,
    -       private LineItemsConverterInterface $shipmentLineItemsConverter,
            private TaxItemsGeneratorInterface $taxItemsGenerator,
            private CreditMemoFactoryInterface $creditMemoFactory,
            private CustomerBillingDataFactoryInterface $customerBillingDataFactory,
            private ShopBillingDataFactoryInterface $shopBillingDataFactory,
        ) {
            // ...
  10. The interface method Sylius\RefundPlugin\Generator\CreditMemoGeneratorInterface::generate has been changed:

        public function generate(
            OrderInterface $order,
            int $total,
            array $units,
    -       array $shipments,
            string $comment
        ): CreditMemoInterface;
  11. A static method has been added to the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Model\UnitRefundInterface interface:

    + public static function type(): RefundType;
  12. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Provider\RemainingTotalProvider has been changed:

        public function __construct(
    -       private RepositoryInterface $orderItemUnitRepository,
    -       private RepositoryInterface $adjustmentRepository,
    +       private ServiceProviderInterface $refundUnitTotalProvider,
            private RepositoryInterface $refundRepository,
        ) {
            // ...
  13. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Refunder\OrderItemUnitsRefunder has been changed:

        public function __construct(
            private RefundCreatorInterface $refundCreator,
            private MessageBusInterface $eventBus,
    +       private UnitRefundFilterInterface $unitRefundFilter,
        ) {
            // ...
  14. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Refunder\OrderShipmentsRefunder has been changed:

        public function __construct(
            private RefundCreatorInterface $refundCreator,
            private MessageBusInterface $eventBus,
    +       private UnitRefundFilterInterface $unitRefundFilter,
        ) {
            // ...
  15. The interface method Sylius\RefundPlugin\Validator\RefundAmountValidatorInterface::validateUnits has been changed:

    - public function validateUnits(array $unitRefunds, RefundTypeInterface $refundType): void;
    + public function validateUnits(array $unitRefunds): void;
  16. The constructor of the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Validator\RefundUnitsCommandValidator has been changed:

        public function __construct(
            private OrderRefundingAvailabilityCheckerInterface $orderRefundingAvailabilityChecker,
            private RefundAmountValidatorInterface $refundAmountValidator,
    +       private iterator $refundUnitsBelongingToOrderValidators,
        ) {
            // ...
  17. A static method has been added to the Sylius\RefundPlugin\Provider\RefundUnitTotalProviderInterface interface:

    + public static function refundType(): string;

    and it replaces the refund_type attribute for the sylius_refund.refund_unit_total_provider tag. Therefore, the refund_type attribute becomes deprecated as well.

  18. The interface method Sylius\RefundPlugin\Provider\RefundPaymentMethodsProviderInterface::findForChannel has been replaced with Sylius\RefundPlugin\Provider\RefundPaymentMethodsProviderInterface::findForOrder:

    - public function findForChannel(ChannelInterface $channel): array;
    + public function findForOrder(OrderInterface $order): array;