Before creating an issue for features, bugs, or improvements, please follow these steps:
- Search for existing issues to avoid duplicates.
- If the issue doesn't exist, create a new issue with a detailed description, selecting the appropriate issue type (e.g., bug, feature).
- All issues are automatically labeled as "status: waiting for triage" and locked for comments.
- If you want to work on the issue after it has been triaged and the label changed to "status: ready for dev," mention it in your issue description.
Before working on an existing issue, please follow these steps:
- Ask to be assigned only one issue at a time.
- Look for the issue labeled "status: ready for dev" (if it doesn't have this label, your work might not be accepted).
- Comment on the issue, requesting it to be assigned to you (avoid tagging maintainers on GitHub or Discord).
- Once the issue is assigned to you, you can start working on it.
- Only start working on the issue and open a pull request when it has been assigned to you to prevent confusion and duplicate work.
- Do not enable GitHub Actions on your fork.
- Reference the issue in your pull request (e.g., "closes #123").
- Requests for assignment of issues made before the "status: ready for dev" label was added will not be considered.
- Check the "Assignees" box at the top of the page to see if the issue has been assigned to someone else before requesting it.
- Ask for clarification if an issue is unclear before requesting assignment.
- Only request assignment for an issue you know how to work on.
- An issue can be assigned to multiple people if they agree to collaborate on it.
We welcome everyone to review pull requests, as it is a great way to learn, network, and support each other.
- Be kind, respectful, and use inclusive, gender-neutral language.
- Use inline comments to explain suggestions.
- Use inline suggestions to propose changes.
- Do not be rude, disrespectful, or aggressive.
- Avoid repeating feedback. Check the existing conversation and use GitHub reactions to show agreement or disagreement.
- Do not blindly approve pull requests just to improve your GitHub contributors graph.
Please refer to the "Contributing" section in the website for more details on how to contribute to ProManager: Link to Documentation