- AngelHack 2015 - IBM Bluemix
- Echelon 2015 - IBM Bluemix
- FossAsia 2015 - Run your cloud on open standards
- FossAsia 2016 - IBM Design Thinking
- FossAsia 2017 - Adventures in Blinkenlights
- APICraft Mar 2017 - The untold story of API before JSON dropped in
- MelbJS June 2018 - Introduction to NodeRED
- Atlassian July 2018 - The Blog, adventures in Pipes and APIs
- OpenAPI, December 2023 - the what, why and how of OpenAPI
- Hoodie - Offline first applications
- The LoopBack framework - Model driven nodejs applications
- NodeRED Visual app development
- vert.x JavaScript on the JVM
- ngrx/store Angular and ngrx/store (May 2017)
- Engage 2020 - Project Keep, a story about an API
- more presentations - Many topics, lots to learn
- Engage 2024 - Super Procode Mode, what if there are no frameworks