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Releases: SpartanJ/ecode

ecode 0.4.6

21 Feb 23:58
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  • Added custom languages support
  • Added --health, --health-lang and --health-format command line parameters to get the health status of the editor features (just like hx --health). It can also be used from Tools -> Check Languages Health
  • Added LSP code action support
  • Added support for opening file at a certain line+column via CLI (#54)
  • Added allow to create files in sub-folders that currently don't exists from the project tree view (for example: "New File" -> Input -> "new_folder/file" will create "file" in "new_folder"
  • Added a keybindings migration mechanism that will allow to rebind keybindings if where using the default old keybinding (some keybindings aren't ideal, I'll start to rebind some commands)
  • Added zig formatter support
  • Added elixir language syntax highlighting
  • Added --export-lang-path and --export-lang command line parameters to allow to export language definitions to JSON. It should help to create new languages from the current languages available.
  • Improved LSP textDocument/definition, declaration, implementation, typeDefinition when more than one result is returned, now it's possible to select which result to see if more than one result is available
  • Fixed LSP issues on Linux (issue #50)
  • Fixed general several LSP issues.
  • Fixed new files created outside of ecode that should be hidden in the folder view are shown (#51)
  • Fixed renaming a file extension doesn't update the language icon (#53)
  • Fixed "File already exists" when capitalizing/decapitalizing a letter of the file name on windows (#56)
  • Fixed recent Folders with & without trailing slash treated as unique folders (#57)
  • Fixed a crash when creating a terminal without a project opened and after closing the last editor
  • Fixed editor don't change cursor position on right click when there is a previous selection
  • Fixed "Execute File" from tree view on Windows
  • Fixed added shortcut text in "Remove File..." (wasn't present)

ecode 0.4.5

14 Feb 15:00
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  • Added support for indentation guides

  • Added command palette support (default opens with Ctrl/Cmd + P)

  • Added Java LSP support

  • Added Vue support (Syntax Highlighting and LSP)

  • Added ARM64 support.

  • Added an option to allow project files filtered by .gitignore to be allowed in the project scan (check explanation here).

  • Improvements in the LSP implementation (implemented showMessage and showDocument messages)

  • Improvements in the Process implementation, to avoid an issue that prevented ecode from killing children processes (issue #45)

  • Improved auto close XML tags (better language support).

  • Improved menu checkbox behavior (wasn't working with keyboard)

  • Allow to delete files in the file tree view using the delete key

  • Fixed LSP client URIs on Windows (basically fixes LSPs on Windows)

  • Fixed several encoding issues on Windows.

  • Fixed sidebar file view does not automatically update when renaming file/folder inside another file/folder on Windows (issue #30)

  • Fixed renaming folder name to one with a special character garbles character (issue #31)

  • Fixed renaming file/folder with a special character in it returns "Error renaming file" (issue #32)

  • Fixed an issue where an empty file couldn't be closed if it was the only file open in the editor (issue #33)

  • Fixed can't create a new file in the root folder when there is no empty space in the UI (issue #43)

ecode 0.4.4

05 Feb 23:46
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  • Allow ignoring files in the file system tree view.
  • Added support for out-of-the-box CJK characters in the editor.

  • Added Teal language support (syntax highlighting and linter).

  • Added support for CR line endings (Classic Macintosh).

  • Added "Refresh View" option in the tree view menu.

  • Added C# LSP support via OmniShap.

  • Added text document formatting LSP support (Formatter plugin now consumes LSP text document formatting when available).

  • Added LSP "textDocument/references" command support ("Find References to Symbol Under Cursor").

  • "Open Folder" now starts in the last folder opened instead of the ecode binary path.

  • Fixed AltGr not working on Windows for key combination.

  • Fixed tree view not synchronizing with the file system on Windows.

  • Fixed a crash in the file system listener when no file system path was loaded.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented "undo" previous changes correctly when files were trimmed on save.

  • Fixed a possible crash when selecting words.

  • Fixed a crash when dragging a file from a file explorer into ecode and dropping it into the terminal.

  • Fixed a crash when right-clicking the tree view if empty.

  • Fixed issues with line endings when new lines were mixed between CRLF and LF.

  • Fixed terminals not closing when changing folders.

  • Minor fixes in the LSP implementation.

  • Plus a lot of minor fixes.

ecode 0.4.3

30 Jan 00:09
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  • Added support for multi-cursor!
    Default keybindings:
    Alt + Up: Create a cursor above the current cursor
    Alt + Down: Create a cursor below the current cursor
    Ctrl/Cmd + D: Add next occurrence (Select word + Select Next word with a new cursor)
    Ctrl/Cmd + U: Cursor Undo
    Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + A: Select all occurrences
    Alt + Shift + Click: Create a cursor on each line between the first cursor and the clicked line
    Ctrl/Cmd + Click: Create a cursor in the clicked area
    Escape: Reset cursor
  • Added linter option to show error lens called "enable_error_lens" (boolean, prints error messages inline, enabled by default).

  • Added bash LSP support via bash-language-server.

  • Added HTML LSP support via vscode-html-languageserver.

  • Added Dockerfile LSP support via docker-langserver.

  • Added Nelua syntax highlighting and linting support.

  • Added "UI Panel Font Size" option to configure the default side panel font size.

  • Added "css" command line argument to load a custom style sheet from the path (useful to customize the application UI).

  • Plugins preferences (configs, keybindings) are now all displayed in the user preferences file (you won't need to search for them in the documentation).

  • Several minor improvements in the LSP Client.

  • Improved LSP mouse hover tooltips.

  • Fixed text-shadows (very visible in white color schemes, #17).

  • Fixed several things in white color schemes (tooltips, minimap, error colors).

  • Fixed typescript-language-server.

  • Fixed an issue when dragging minimap that caused the UI to not respond to mouse events.

  • Fixed rendering issues with non-monospaced fonts in the editor.

  • Fixed https requests not working in macOS (and in consequence ecode wasn't able to check for new releases).

ecode 0.4.2

23 Jan 02:51
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  • Show Line Endings option.
  • Added option to allow the application to check for new app releases at startup.
  • Added Go formatter (gopls format).
  • Added odin LSP support (with ols).
  • Added Dart LSP support.


  • Fixed window always opening on fullscreen on Windows (#2).
  • Fixed folders can't be renamed, also implemented deleting folders (#14).
  • Fixed folder doesn't automatically expand when creating a new file after being closed (#15).
  • Fixed auto formatter on save issue when using black formatter or any "inline" formatter (#10).
  • Fixed mouse hover hints sometimes not being colored.
  • Fixed Go LSP (gopls).

ecode 0.4.1

15 Jan 21:11
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  • Fixed application not rendering correctly on secondary screens on macOS (issue #4).

  • Fixed custom editor and terminal color schemes not loading from the configuration folder (issue #8).

  • Fixed creating/removing files does not update file listings on the sidebar after toggling "show hidden files" once (issue #9).

  • Fixed incorrectly overriding the current working directory on Linux (PR SpartanJ/eepp#5).

  • Fixed "About ecode" being inconsistent on macOS (issue #3).

  • Minor improvements in the color picker (issue #4).

  • Added an option to allow loading the most recent folder on startup (issue #6).

  • Added an option to Check for Updates

  • File dialog now shows logical drives when possible (going Up from the root path of the logical drive or by entering the path "drives://").

  • Cleaned up eepp to only use the base modules (removed physics module from the main eepp build).

  • Added support for more LSP servers: Kotlin, Nim, Ruby, YAML.

  • Added "Format Document" option in the editor's context menu (when available).

ecode 0.4.0

10 Jan 04:25
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Added LSP support.
Many fixes and minor improvements.

ecode 0.3.1

22 Oct 19:14
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Many fixes and minor improvements.

ecode 0.3.0

25 Sep 01:42
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Many fixes and minor improvements.

ecode 0.2.1

19 Aug 01:58
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Many fixes and minor improvements.