ecode 0.4.7
File locate now shows the available options when opened (workspace symbols search, document symbols search, command palette search, and go to line)
Added Julia, R, Elm, TOML, Haxe, fstab file, .htaccess file syntax highlighting support.
Added Solidity LSP support using solc
Added linter and formatter support for JSX files
Added the option to configure the default terminal shell at
Terminal -> Configure Terminal Shell
. Alsopowershell
is now the default shell for Windows (#70)
Added a new configuration to control the behavior of new open terminals (#68)
Added "convert-lang-path" CLI command, to convert a JSON syntax definition to CPP code (it's just a helper to help me to migrate languages definitions from other editors)
Added the option to create and add custom UI themes (more information here
Don't open a folder when it's not requested when opening ecode (#66). Changed the default behavior
Improved "Document" and "Terminal" setting menus
Fixed an issue that caused to pass an incorrect root path to the LSP making unusable the LSP (issue #64)
Fixed when opening file+folder via CLI the specified file is not given focus (issue #59)
Fixed a minor issue when dropping SVG files into the editor, they weren't being opened in a new tab
Fixed an issue that prevented LSP processes to be terminated/killed correctly (#61)
Fixed matching brackets (it wasn't matching correctly if a comment or a string containing the matching bracket)
Reduced syntax highlighter memory footprint and improved also its performance
Several minor fixes and improvements