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ecode 0.4.7

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@SpartanJ SpartanJ released this 07 Mar 03:05
· 67 commits to main since this release
  • Added workspace symbol search

  • Added current document symbol search

  • File locate now shows the available options when opened (workspace symbols search, document symbols search, command palette search, and go to line)

  • Added Julia, R, Elm, TOML, Haxe, fstab file, .htaccess file syntax highlighting support.

  • Added Solidity LSP support using solc

  • Added linter and formatter support for JSX files

  • Added the option to configure the default terminal shell at Terminal -> Configure Terminal Shell. Also powershell is now the default shell for Windows (#70)

  • Added a new configuration to control the behavior of new open terminals (#68)

  • Added "convert-lang-path" CLI command, to convert a JSON syntax definition to CPP code (it's just a helper to help me to migrate languages definitions from other editors)

  • Added the option to create and add custom UI themes (more information here

  • Don't open a folder when it's not requested when opening ecode (#66). Changed the default behavior

  • Improved "Document" and "Terminal" setting menus

  • Fixed an issue that caused to pass an incorrect root path to the LSP making unusable the LSP (issue #64)

  • Fixed when opening file+folder via CLI the specified file is not given focus (issue #59)

  • Fixed a minor issue when dropping SVG files into the editor, they weren't being opened in a new tab

  • Fixed an issue that prevented LSP processes to be terminated/killed correctly (#61)

  • Fixed matching brackets (it wasn't matching correctly if a comment or a string containing the matching bracket)

  • Reduced syntax highlighter memory footprint and improved also its performance

  • Several minor fixes and improvements