My solutions to the 2022's edition of Advent of Code.
I'll try to solve the problems using only "one line" of javascript code, meaning no semicolon nor space return allowed.
Most of it is made directly in Firefox's browser devtools. The console is a powerful testing tool!
Day 7 update: Firefox team, please make the one line parsing longer, stopping after a while is unfair to my challenge :'(
After struggling with some of the harder challenges, I'll allow myself to use window variables (but they can't be set beforehand).
This code is not made to be proper nor human readable, but mostly a fun challenge for me. Don't expect it to be performant or beautiful!
Day 11 update: Time to stop this madness. It takes too much time and I've been abusing the Array(X).fill().forEach() to do multi line in a single line. As this is no longer a proper way to do this challenge I'll just continue with regular JS code sadly. It was still fun for 10 days. And who knows, maybe later days will see some oneliners.
This was done at work during a project build. After a friend found it funny that I was using one liners, it started the whole special rules chaos
inputString.split('\n\n').map(e = e.split('\n').reduce((a,b) => +a+(+b), 0)).sort((a,b) => a < b)[0]
Kinda straightforward, nothing to really comment here
inputString.split('\n\n').map(e = e.split('\n').reduce((a,b) => +a+(+b), 0)).sort((a,b) => a < b).splice(0,3).reduce((a,b)=>a+b, 0)
There is no need to make something smart when there is only a few cases to cover. I manually calculated all of the cases
inputString.split('\n').map(e => { return {'A X': 4, 'A Y': 8, 'A Z': 3, 'B X': 1, 'B Y': 5, 'B Z': 9, 'C X': 2, 'C Y': 7, 'C Z': 6, '': 0}[e] }).reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0)
This made me notice that for X, Y, Z, all A, B and C combination sum to 15, the B doesn't change and you get all numbers 1 through 9. Pretty fun
inputString.split('\n').map(e => { return {'A X': 3, 'A Y': 4, 'A Z': 8, 'B X': 1, 'B Y': 5, 'B Z': 9, 'C X': 2, 'C Y': 6, 'C Z': 7, '': 0}[e] }).reduce((a,b) => a+b, 0)
I could have just added a "-" character on my alphabet string instead of doing + 1, but it works anyway
inputString.split('\n').map(e => e.slice(0, e.length/2).split('').map(f => e.slice(e.length/2).includes(f) ? 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.indexOf(f) + 1 : 0 ).find(a => a !== 0)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
I derped a bit on something so this took way longer than it should have
inputString.split(/([a-zA-Z]+\n[a-zA-Z]+\n[a-zA-Z]+)\n/).filter(a => a !== '').map(e => e.split('\n')[0].split('').map(f => e.split('\n')[1].includes(f) && e.split('\n')[2].includes(f) ? 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'.indexOf(f) + 1 : 0 ).find(a => a !== 0)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
The challenges start to be a bit tricky, but overall are still pretty straightforward
inputString.split('\n').map(e => e.split(',').map((f, i, arr) => +f.split('-')[0] < +arr[1-i].split('-')[0] || +f.split('-')[1] > +arr[1-i].split('-')[1])).filter(e => !e[0] || !e[1]).length
Might seem harder than part 1, but just need to focus on what conditions satisfy the thing we need
inputString.split('\n').map(e => e.split(',').map((f, i, arr) => +f.split('-')[1] >= +arr[1-i].split('-')[0])).filter(e => e[0] && e[1]).length
First real trouble of this run
inputString.split('\n\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e] : e).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? e.split('\n').forEach((f, j) => j === 0 ? window.iwanttodie = Array(Math.ceil(f.length / 4)).fill().map(_ => []) : '') : i === 1 ? e.split('\n').forEach(f => f.split(/( |\[[A-Z]\]) /).filter(g => g !== '' && g.trim()[0] !== '1').forEach((g, k) => g.trim() !== '' ? window.iwanttodie[k].push(g) : '')) : e.split('\n').forEach(f => f.split(/move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)/).filter(f => f !== '').map(f => parseInt(f)).map((_, k, arr) => k === 0 ? window.iwanttodie[arr[2]-1].unshift(...window.iwanttodie[arr[1]-1].splice(0, arr[0]).reverse()) : ''))).map(e => window.iwanttodie)[0].map(e => e[0].trim().substring(1, e[0].length-1)).reduce((a, b) => a+b, '');
We just need to remove the .reverse() for this part
inputString.split('\n\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e] : e).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? e.split('\n').forEach((f, j) => j === 0 ? window.iwanttodie = Array(Math.ceil(f.length / 4)).fill().map(_ => []) : '') : i === 1 ? e.split('\n').forEach(f => f.split(/( |\[[A-Z]\]) /).filter(g => g !== '' && g.trim()[0] !== '1').forEach((g, k) => g.trim() !== '' ? window.iwanttodie[k].push(g) : '')) : e.split('\n').forEach(f => f.split(/move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)/).filter(f => f !== '').map(f => parseInt(f)).map((_, k, arr) => k === 0 ? window.iwanttodie[arr[2]-1].unshift(...window.iwanttodie[arr[1]-1].splice(0, arr[0])) : ''))).map(e => window.iwanttodie)[0].map(e => e[0].trim().substring(1, e[0].length-1)).reduce((a, b) => a+b, '');
Pretty simple day overall, a nice break of pace from the last one
inputString.split('').findIndex((a, i, arr) => i > 2 && !(arr.slice(i-3, i).map((b, j, array) => [...array.slice(0, j), ...array.slice(j+1)].includes(b)).reduce((t, s) => t || s, false)) && !arr.slice(i-3, i).includes(a)) + 1
Just change some numbers
inputString.split('').findIndex((a, i, arr) => i > 12 && !(arr.slice(i-13, i).map((b, j, array) => [...array.slice(0, j), ...array.slice(j+1)].includes(b)).reduce((t, s) => t || s, false)) && !arr.slice(i-13, i).includes(a)) + 1
This code is actually bugged, but worked for the day because the last chain of directories doesn't have a directory with less than 100000
inputString.split('\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e, e] : e).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? window.dirSizes = {} : i === 1 ? window.dirStack = [] : e.substring(0, 4) === '$ cd' ? e.substring(5) === '..' ? (window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.slice(0, -1).reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')] += window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')]) | window.dirStack.pop() : window.dirStack.push(e.substring(5)) : e.substring(0, 4) === '$ ls' ? window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')] = 0 : e.split(' ')[0] === 'dir' ? '' : window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')] += parseInt(e.split(' ')[0])).map(e => Object.keys(window.dirSizes))[0].map(a => window.dirSizes[a]).reduce((a, b) => b > 100000 ? a : a + b, 0)
A bit of changes were needed, but overall the hardest was to realize part 1 was glitched and fix that
inputString.split('\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e, e] : e).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? window.dirSizes = {} : i === 1 ? window.dirStack = [] : e.substring(0, 4) === '$ cd' ? e.substring(5) === '..' ? (window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.slice(0, -1).reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')] += window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')]) | window.dirStack.pop() : window.dirStack.push(e.substring(5)) : e.substring(0, 4) === '$ ls' ? window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')] = 0 : e.split(' ')[0] === 'dir' ? '' : window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')] += parseInt(e.split(' ')[0])).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? Array(window.dirStack.length).fill(0) : Object.keys(window.dirSizes)).slice(0, 3).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? e.forEach(_ => (window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.slice(0, -1).reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')] += window.dirSizes[window.dirStack.reduce((a, b) => a + '/' + b, '')]) | window.dirStack.pop()) : e).slice(1).map(a => => window.dirSizes[b]).sort((a, b) => a-b)).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? window.neededSpace = 30000000 - 70000000 + e[e.length-1] : e)[1].find(a => a > window.neededSpace)
Working with arrays again urghhhhh
inputString.split('\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e] : e).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? window.trees = [] : window.trees[i-1] = e.split('').map(f => {return { h: parseInt(f) }})).reduce(() => window.trees).map((row, i) => row.forEach((tree, j) => i === 0 || j === 0 || i === (window.trees.length-1) || j === (row.length-1) ? tree.visible = true : row.slice(0, j).every(tl => tl.h < tree.h) || row.slice(j+1).every(tr => tr.h < tree.h) || Array(i).fill(0).every((_, tu) => window.trees[tu][j].h < tree.h) || Array(window.trees.length - (i+1)).fill(0).every((_, td) => window.trees[window.trees.length - td - 1][j].h < tree.h) ? tree.visible = true : '')).reduce(() => window.trees).reduce((c, d) => c + d.reduce((a, b) => b.visible ? a + 1 : a, 0), 0)
So much trouble to find the right solution on this one URGHHH
inputString.split('\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e] : e).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? window.trees = [] : window.trees[i-1] = e.split('').map(f => {return { h: parseInt(f), u: 0, d: 0, l: 0, r: 0 }})).reduce(() => window.trees).map((row, i) => row.forEach((tree, j) => (row.slice(0, j).reverse().every(tl => (tree.l++ > Infinity) || tl.h < tree.h) && false) || (row.slice(j+1).every(tr => (tree.r++ > Infinity) || tr.h < tree.h) && false) || ((i > 0 ? Array(i).fill(0).every((_, tu) => (tree.u++ > Infinity) || window.trees[i - 1 - tu][j].h < tree.h) : false) && false) || ((i > 0 ? Array(window.trees.length - i - 1).fill(0).every((_, td) => (tree.d++ > Infinity) || window.trees[i + td + 1][j].h < tree.h) : false) && false) ? '' : '')).reduce(() => window.trees).map(e => e.reduce((a, b) => (b.u * b.d * b.l * b.r) > a ? (b.u * b.d * b.l * b.r) : a, 0)).reduce((a, b) => a > b ? a : b)
I'm starting to abuse Array(X).fill().forEach to get multi lines in the one liner... Maybe I should stop using one liners...
inputString.split('\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e] : e).map(e => [e.split(' ')[0], parseInt(e.split(' ')[1])]).map((e, i, arr) => i === 0 ? window.obj = { h: { x: 0, y: 0 }, t: { x: 0, y: 0 }, visited: new Set(), increment: function (isX, n) { Array(2).fill(0).forEach((_, i) => i === 0 ? ( isX ? this.h.x+=n : this.h.y+=n ) : ( this.dist(isX) > 1 ? Array(3).fill(0).forEach((t, i) => i === 0 ? ( isX ? this.t.x = this.h.x-n : this.t.x = this.h.x ) : i === 1 ? ( isX ? this.t.y = this.h.y : this.t.y = this.h.y-n ) : ( this.visited.add(this.t.x + '-' + this.t.y) ) ) : '' ) ) }, dist: function (isX) { return Math.abs(isX ? this.h.x - this.t.x : this.h.y - this.t.y) } } : Array(e[1]).fill(0).forEach(_ => e[0] === 'L' ? window.obj.increment(true, -1) : e[0] === 'R' ? window.obj.increment(true, 1) : e[0] === 'U' ? window.obj.increment(false, 1) : window.obj.increment(false, -1) ) ).reduce((a, b) => window.obj.visited.size)
I struggled because I had to change my logic quite a bit for the movement
inputString.split('\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e] : e).map(e => [e.split(' ')[0], parseInt(e.split(' ')[1])]).map((e, i, arr) => i === 0 ? window.obj = { knots: Array(10).fill().map(_ => { return { x: 0, y: 0 } }), visited: Array(10).fill().map(_ => new Set()), increment: function (isX, n) { Array(10).fill(0).map((_, knotIndex) => knotIndex === 0 ? ( isX ? this.knots[knotIndex].x+=n : this.knots[knotIndex].y+=n ) : Array(2).fill(0).forEach(_ => this.distTooFar(knotIndex) ? Array(3).fill(0).forEach((_, i) => i === 0 ? ( this.knots[knotIndex].x = this.knots[knotIndex].x + Math.min(Math.max(this.knots[knotIndex-1].x-this.knots[knotIndex].x, -1), 1) ) : i === 1 ? ( this.knots[knotIndex].y = this.knots[knotIndex].y + Math.min(Math.max(this.knots[knotIndex-1].y-this.knots[knotIndex].y, -1), 1) ) : ( this.visited[knotIndex].add(this.knots[knotIndex].x + '-' + this.knots[knotIndex].y) ) ) : '' ) ) }, distTooFar: function (knotIndex) { return Math.abs(this.knots[knotIndex-1].x - this.knots[knotIndex].x) > 1 || Math.abs(this.knots[knotIndex-1].y - this.knots[knotIndex].y) > 1 } } : Array(e[1]).fill(0).forEach(_ => e[0] === 'L' ? window.obj.increment(true, -1) : e[0] === 'R' ? window.obj.increment(true, 1) : e[0] === 'U' ? window.obj.increment(false, 1) : window.obj.increment(false, -1) ) ).reduce((a, b) => window.obj.visited[window.obj.visited.length-1].size + 1)
Was kinda fun to work with, and not as hard as last one so a good breather
inputString.split('\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e] : e).map(e => e.split(' ')).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? ( window.obj = { x: 1, c: 0, check: 20, strength: 0 } ) : ( e[0] === 'addx' ? ( Array(2).fill().forEach(() => ++window.obj.c === window.obj.check ? Array(2).fill().forEach((_, i) => i === 0 ? window.obj.strength += window.obj.x * window.obj.c : window.obj.check += 40) : '') || ( window.obj.x += parseInt(e[1]) ) ) : ( ++window.obj.c === window.obj.check ) ? Array(2).fill().forEach((_, i) => i === 0 ? ( window.obj.strength += window.obj.x * window.obj.c ) : window.obj.check += 40) : ''))
Very fun part, you actually have to read the output string yourself which is always fun
inputString.split('\n').flatMap((e, i) => i === 0 ? [e, e] : e).map(e => e.split(' ')).map((e, i) => i === 0 ? ( window.obj = { x: 1, c: 0, strength: 0, render: '' } ) : ( e[0] === 'addx' ? Array(2).fill().forEach(() => (window.obj.render += ( window.obj.x-1 <= ( window.obj.c % 40 ) && window.obj.x+1 >= ( window.obj.c % 40 ) ) ? '#' : '.' ) && ++window.obj.c && console.log(window.obj.c, window.obj.x, window.obj.render)) || (window.obj.x += parseInt(e[1])) : (window.obj.render += ( window.obj.x-1 <= window.obj.c % 40 && window.obj.x+1 >= window.obj.c % 40 ) ? '#' : '.' ) && ++window.obj.c) ).reduce(_ => window.obj.render).split('').reduce((a, b, i) => a + (i % 40 === 0 ? '\n' : '') + b)
See Files