Creates a certificate from a key vault.
keyVaultName: (required) string
Name of key vault. Will be created in the same resource group as the script is run and in the default location for resource group.
keyVaultCertificateName: (required) string
Name of the key vault secret that contains the certificate. It is recommended to use the Add-KeyVaultCertificate.ps1 script (from PSScripts) to add a pfx cert to the key vault.
keyVaultResourceGroup: (optional) string
Resource group the key vault is in. Defaults to resource group the template is ran under if not specified.
serverFarmId: (optional) string
App service plan resource ID to associate to the certificate. Resource ID needs to be formatted as: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionID}/resourceGroups/{groupName}/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/{appServicePlanName}".