Why dont you use VerseMate?
I really like VerseMate! However, there are a few things that VerseMate (currently) does not support
This API and the associated frontend has the following advantages:
- Community-based the data is not read from the game
- API frontend is completely decoupled from the API
- Open Source everyone can contribute
- You can provide item prices to your main organization or make them available to all your organizations
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn test
yarn lint
$ docker build --build-arg VUE_APP_GRAPHQL_HTTP=http://localhost:3000/graphql --build-arg VUE_APP_GRAPHQL_WS=ws://localhost:3000/graphql -t sctm-frontend .
$ docker run -it -p 8080:80 --rm --name SCTM_Frontend sctm-frontend
Now you can connect the frontend via http://localhost:8080
$ docker rmi sctm-frontend