Listen for UDP telemetry data from Forza Motorsport 2023 and display in real time.
I'm just messing around, and you should check out other people's repositories that may have actual usable applications that make use of the Forza telemetry.
- Look through the available telemetry data and choose more data points that I would like to display
- Break into separate files; before trying to do any kind of real GUI, separate terminal windows could display different data points
- Create a simple GUI
- GUI customizations: ability to toggle individual parts on and off
- GUI customizations: change display qualities - e.g. sizes and positions of individual elements, choice to display numerals or bar or radial gauge etc?
- theRTB/ForzaGUI - I used the "ForzaDataPacket" class defined in '' to help with parsing and outputting the desired attributes from the received packets.